Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Harness the Slingshot Effect for Your Soul

NASA calls it a gravity assist.  It's the slingshot effect and it's used to accelerate a spacecraft in a planetary flyby.  This helps conserve fuel in missions to outer planets.  You can harness the slingshot effect for your soul in order to conserve your fuel for missions to places far off where you are called to be an ambassador for Jesus.  Your "gravity assist" is the Holy Spirit.  Here's what your flight pattern looks like:
  1. Ask to be baptized in the Spirit.  Jesus did this at the beginning of his mission.  Ask and you shall receive.
  2. Trust the Spirit to guide you on your mission.
  3. You will experience jitters once you discover exactly what your mission is and you may even think you don't have what it takes to accomplish all you're being asked to do.  Point yourself toward the Spirit and run, don't walk.  Get as close as you can.  Get ready for the rush of adrenaline you are about to experience.
  4. Slingshot.
  5. Keep breathing.
  6. No matter how far you are from home, remember you've been blessed with all the fuel you need to reach your destination.
  7. When your journey is complete, you will be called home.  All you have to do is let your engine shut down and allow the gravity to bring you back to where you belong.
You're cleared for take off.  Have a great day.

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