Sunday, October 29, 2017

Circuit Breakers in Your Body

There's a reason your home is equipped with circuit breakers.  They prevent overloads in electrical currents and keep you safe.  Your body has a similar system in place to prevent serious injury or death.  Heart attacks and strokes are just like circuit breakers.  The best time to prepare for a malfunction is before one of those circuit breakers kicks in.  Look for warning signs and take care of your body now.

Think of your food supply as the electrical current flowing inside your body.  Do everything you can to prevent an overload.  I'm discovering how certain man-made foods, although cheap in price, may cause harm to your wiring.  Processed foods wreak havoc and continued overeating of these foods may cause the circuit breakers to kick in.  The more you learn about how your body is hard-wired, the better off you will be.  Keep your house in order.  Pay attention to the plumbing, too.  Have a great day.

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