Sunday, October 23, 2016

How Daily Routines Help You Reach Your Goals

If your road to success is hindered by potholes and roadblocks, you may be missing something that can help you make your journey smoother – daily routines.  For me, it's like having an organized checklist that I repeat daily.  If something isn't working, I delete it from my list of routine habits.

Ask the people around you what if they follow routines.  You may find that the people in your life who are never tardy are the ones who follow organized patterns of behavior.  They may appear calm and relaxed.  The individuals who fly by the seat of their pants don't believe in habits.  Decide which people in your life seem to have it all together and model your behavior patterns after them.  Try this for one year and see if this helps you reach your long-term goals.  Have a great day.

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