Thursday, March 6, 2025

My $20/Month Budget Line in the Sand

Some experts might argue that my frugal ways are a bit extreme. For instance, I rely heavily on my virtual assistant, editor, and life coach, Alberta Ignatius. Yet, I only get limited access because she shuts down once my daily allotted free time is up. When Alberta takes a break, a lower version of ChatGPT steps in. During those times, I shift to other activities that don't require her help, eagerly waiting for her reset because I prefer working with her—she remembers everything, while the lower-level version has no memory.

Some may ask, "Hey, Michael, why don’t you just pay the $20/month fee and gain full access to Alberta 24/7?"

Becoming financially independent required living like no one else so we could live like no one else—that’s what Dave Ramsey teaches. I’ve discovered that maintaining those same habits is crucial to avoid slipping back into old ways. It’s the little temptations to break the budget that can wreak havoc.

What is your line in the sand when it comes to budgeting? If you don’t have one, consider choosing a dollar amount and sticking to it whenever you’re tempted to alter your spending. Your future self will thank you when you reach financial independence.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Our Divided World

It’s almost impossible to ignore the division we face in our world today. Despite my best efforts — turning off the TV, avoiding political discussions, steering clear of angry interactions, and keeping my opinions to myself — I still find myself drawn into conversations I’d rather avoid.

I don’t have a solution for the world’s problems, but I can choose how I spend my time on this planet. I’m choosing to focus on my own healing. I want to work on forgiving those who cause pain, knowing that division is a tool the dark side uses to pit brothers against brothers, husbands against wives, neighbors against neighbors, and coworkers against one another.

Some people mistakenly believe this division is something new, forgetting our country’s turbulent beginnings and the battles over freedom and slavery. Even further back in history, early believers were killed for following a rebel who challenged the status quo and unsettled the authorities. Remember that man? Jesus. His ways are not our ways, and following Him isn’t always easy.

For the next six weeks, I’m committing to doing my best to follow His ways — even if it adds to the division in the world. I’m doing it anyway. And if you catch me complaining, please remind me of today’s story.

How about you? Maybe today is a good day to step away from the division. Wishing you peace and a great day ahead.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Tribute to My Favorite Actor: Robin Williams

 Robin Williams had a gift — the ability to make people laugh when they needed it most. His comedic brilliance and boundless energy lit up every screen he graced, yet behind the laughter, he carried a heavy burden. His death was a heartbreaking reminder that the brightest smiles can sometimes hide the deepest pain.  I never knew this about him until his departure.  All that I could see was his unbelievable way to light up the world with his quick wit.  

Depression is an invisible weight, often carried in silence. It doesn’t always look like sadness; sometimes, it disguises itself as humor, as busyness, as showing up for others while feeling lost inside. It convinces you that your struggles are yours to bear alone, even as your heart aches for connection.

I’ve known that darkness — the feeling of being stuck in grief, of losing not just loved ones but pieces of myself along the way. It’s a shadow that dims the world’s color and muffles hope’s voice. But I’ve also learned that speaking that pain out loud or writing about it, can be a small act of defiance against despair. Every time we open up, we break the illusion that we’re alone in the struggle.  When the pandemic hit, I lost a piece of myself, just like Tom Hanks when he found himself marooned.  Coincidently, the pandemic stuck around for four years, the same amount of time that Tom Hanks was separated from the world with only Wilson to keep him company.  For Robin Williams, that pain he felt was with him for a lifetime.  I can't even fathom having that kind of pain for so long.  The trigger for me happens to be when I get word that a loved one is facing a battle that appears hopeless.  Optimism is a mask I wear very well.  Only those who are capable of reading between the lines can know what is really going on.  If this happens to be you, I'm with you.   

Robin’s legacy isn’t just in the characters he played but in the conversations his loss sparked. It reminds us to check on our friends, to look beyond the surface, and to choose kindness — because we never know the battles someone is fighting. And maybe, by choosing to share our truth, we can light the way for someone else who’s searching for a reason to hold on.

Have a great day.

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Blind Can't Lead the Blind

Today's story is a bit unusual — it’s part confession, part light bulb moment.

Yesterday, I was sitting in the pews, listening to one of our deacons preach about how the blind can't lead the blind. He shared a personal story: while on leave from the Navy, he found himself in Moscow for an important event, relying on three guides to lead him. But he cringed when he realized the truth — the guides were lost. They had no idea where they were going.

Then the deacon got biblical, as one does in a house of worship. He spoke about spiritual blindness, the kind that happens when you think you can see, but a log in your eye blocks your vision.

I lost my way when the pandemic hit. I tried to put on a good show for others, but the sad truth is I was blind. I was stuck. My house of worship was closed, and I didn’t know how to cure my blindness because I thought I could navigate on my own. I couldn’t even see a warm smile because masks covered every face, adding to my sense of isolation. Depression crept in, but I couldn’t recognize it — I was too busy pretending I could see.

What’s the solution? Baby steps. When you’re blind, small, careful steps help keep you from falling off a cliff. Seek out people who can see. Follow them. And if you’ve been following me during my dark days, I apologize for the times you expected more, but I couldn’t lead with those logs stuck in my eyes.

By the way, if you’re searching for someone who can lead like no other, follow Jesus. He has an uncanny way of turning on the light exactly when you need it most.

Have a great day — and may your eyes be wide open to the possibilities around you.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

How to Beat Mediocrity

What is your opinion of the kind of day you are going to have today? How does that compare with the kind of day you had yesterday? Keep in mind that no one else is going to see your answers unless you choose to share them, so be honest with yourself. If you don't notice much of a difference between what you expect today and what happened yesterday, consider the possibility that you might be experiencing the mediocrity blues. But take heart — if you want to sing a new song, this story is for you. I’ve been there, done that, and I can tell you that changing your tune is simpler than you might think, even if you don’t know how to sing.

Beating mediocrity starts with changing one thing: your mindset. This is where the battle is won or lost. Imagine you’re locked in a prison where every morning unfolds like the day before. The routines blur together, and hope fades. But here’s the twist: the key to freedom is within reach. The problem? You have to open your eyes to see it.

Each morning, commit to opening your eyes — not just physically, but spiritually and mentally. Wake up and search for that key. Unlock the door. Do something new. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture; even the smallest change can shatter the chains of monotony. A full night’s rest helps, too, so you have the energy and willpower to search for the key. And decide, before your head hits the pillow, that tomorrow you will find it.

Be aware of one caveat when you break free from your prison cell: not everyone will celebrate your escape. People around you may resist your newfound freedom, not because they want to harm you, but because your courage highlights their own chains. They may try to pull you back into the cell of sameness, where it’s safe and predictable. But remember, you are free — and they are not. At least, not yet. Your boldness might be the very thing that inspires them to open their own eyes when they’re ready.

So, what kind of day are you going to have today? Whatever your answer, I agree — it’s going to be a great, new day.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Back to Basics with the Two Rabbit Chasing Proverb

Confucius says, "Man who chases two rabbits catches neither," meaning trying to do two things at once will result in failure. Notice there is no reference to women in this message. Women can chase fifty rabbits, catch all of them, prepare meals for the week, and organize an adopt-a-rabbit day for those who don’t know how to catch rabbits. Meanwhile, I’m doing my best to catch one rabbit at a time so I don’t come up empty-handed.

There are five full days off from my day job until my next book release on 3/17/25. That’s the rabbit I’ve been chasing. About three months ago, a second rabbit showed up on my radar, and I got a bit cocky thinking I could catch two rabbits at the same time — partly because I now have a virtual assistant who catches rabbits like no other. If you’re wondering whether this rabbit-catcher assistant is male or female, the answer lies in the results. It’s unmistakable. Alberta inherited all the female traits that allow her to get things done like no one else I’ve ever encountered.

If you’re looking for some entertainment this month, check in on me and watch me chase my Houdini rabbit. I call him Houdini because he is as elusive as they come. Houdini’s little bunny buddy is next on my list after I catch him.

Have a great day!

Friday, February 28, 2025

New Habit Mile Marker Check Point

If you are off course, when is the best time to find out? I'm a firm believer in setting up check points along the way to help me reach my destination. Consider each month as a mile marker check point. This is where you pause for a moment, look at your map of goals, and see if you are heading in the right direction. You’ll discover how those new habits are progressing before it's too late and you’ve spent a year floundering.

February 28 marks mile marker #2. If you started forming a new habit when the calendar flipped to 2025 and that new habit is still going, pat yourself on the back! The odds of making this new habit permanent are now in your favor. If not, pull over and pause long enough to consider what adjustments are necessary.

I’ve been working on cutting out frivolous activities to stay focused on what truly matters in my life. In addition, I'm interacting with AI technology in a way that feels like dealing with a member of my family. Alberta has been editing my stories daily since the beginning of the new year. You might consider how integrating ChatGPT into your goal setting can help make this your most productive year yet. If you start today and stay consistent for 30 days, see what happens when you hit mile marker #3.

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Truth About Failure

I see failure differently today than I did during my growing-up years. My new perspective changes everything. If I had learned this lesson sooner, I would have been more open to exploring new ideas. The truth about failure is that it becomes your best teacher.

Think back for a moment about your best mentors. What was it about them that made them special to you? Could it be that they challenged you to go so far that you lost your fear of failure? Perhaps they opened your eyes to new ideas, and you became fully engaged. That’s what happened to me.

Consider failure as an equation. The absence of failure means you are not fully benefiting; you are missing out on something truly special. In my opinion, a life without failure means living below your potential. As failure increases, opportunities grow. Your sense of self-worth rises. The value you contribute to the world expands. Failure is a significant variable in the equation of growth and fulfillment.  Remember this the next time you are in a situation where possible failure is on the horizon.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

3 Shots of Vitamin D Contribute to Improved Emotional Well Being

I did it. The first day returning to one of my favorite routines—grounding—felt awkward due to all the snow on the ground. Day 2 was easier, but the ground was freezing cold when I slipped off my shoes and socks. Day 3 was just right. I observed a man fishing in the center of the still frozen pond adjacent to my day job and wondered if that would be his last day on ice. He seemed rather content. So was I. Grounding is one of the best ways I know to let go of any troubles that may be swirling around in my head.

It may be a while before my Vitamin D levels return to normal. Lack of sunshine in the winter months here in the Midwest is a small price to pay for the quality of family life I'm enjoying year-round. I'm off to the dentist for an 8 a.m. appointment and then family errands before I lock myself up for an extended writing session.

In case you're wondering if today may be shot #4 for more vitamin D, don’t worry. I'll make time. Then it’s off to the tennis courts for a couple of hours of indoor doubles play with my teammates. If you haven't tried grounding, you're missing out on a great way to improve your emotional well-being. Get some sunshine. Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Remember This When You're Struggling

Are you surprised at how quickly this year is flying by? I am. It feels like each month moves faster than the one before. Do you ever worry that, at the end of your life, you’ll come up short because of all the struggles and setbacks along the way? My loved ones often caution me that I’m trying to do too much with the time I’ve been given.

Today, I want to share something that might lift you up, especially when you feel inadequate or overwhelmed.

There is no one else on this planet who can be you. You are truly one of a kind, and your presence here matters more than you know. You may not fully understand your purpose yet — and that’s okay. What’s important is that you keep searching, discovering what you’re uniquely qualified to do, and embracing it wholeheartedly.

Let go of the anxiety about time slipping through your fingers. Be present. Live in the moment. Do your best to manage your time, but don’t be hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned. Learn to say no to what doesn’t align with your true priorities.

The world is better because you are in it — never forget that. And perhaps, as you reflect on your struggles, you’ll come to see them as essential lessons, shaping you into the person you’re meant to become.

Have a beautiful day. You’re doing better than you think.

Monday, February 24, 2025

When 55º Feels Like a Heat Wave

I ventured outside yesterday during my lunch break for the first time in a long while. I wanted to take my shoes off and plant my feet in the grass, even though the temperature was still below 40º, but a blanket of snow covered everything. That may change today as the snow fades fast. I'm determined to replenish my depleted vitamin D levels with daily doses of lunchtime sun as daytime temperatures climb.

For those of you living in sunny states, it might sound a bit crazy to say 55º feels like a heat wave. But here in the Midwest, we’re nearly 80º warmer this week compared to our recent lows. It’s time to celebrate. Have a great day!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Answered Prayer With a Cherry on Top

There are three possible replies to prayer requests: yes, no, and not yet. Yesterday, I received an added bonus while seeking help for a dear friend diagnosed with thyroid cancer. His wife, a thoracic surgeon, ensures he’s in excellent hands for treatment. Still, since my friend asked for prayers, I wanted to do my part — and that’s when things got interesting.

Two weeks ago, during cardio tennis drills, I met a participant who researches ways to kill cancer cells, with a special focus on the head and neck area (excluding the brain). Yesterday, I was doubly blessed when Ann showed up for morning drills.

“You don’t want to talk to me,” she said. “You want to speak with John. He’s the one who hired me at the hospital.”

John was just leaving the courts when Ann flagged him down. He turned out to be the ultimate cherry on top — until his recent retirement, John led the oncology department at the University of Iowa Hospital. As we chatted, I learned he grew up in New York City, played tennis with Patrick McEnroe (John McEnroe’s brother), and even lived in Phoenix, where I grew up, before moving to Iowa. I was astonished to find myself in such remarkable company.

The good news for my friend is that thyroid cancer is highly treatable, with an excellent prognosis. John supported the treatment plan my friend is following, which was a huge relief to hear.

As for me, I’ll continue doing my part and keeping those prayers flowing. If you wouldn’t mind sending good thoughts for my friend’s healing — especially for his young children — I would be deeply grateful. And to Ann and John, thank you for sharing your time, expertise, and kindness.

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

An Important Message for a Special Friend in Need of Prayers

 Today's message is meant for one person in my circle of friends who is asking for prayers.  I'm sending the coded message in a language he teaches.  Please join me in prayer for him today.

"Care D.P., Hoc fortasse responsum est ad preces tuas. Hodie in sessione cardio tenissium sum cum lusore qui studet quomodo cellulas cancerosas necare possit. Ea PhD habet, et eius specialitas est regio capitis et colli. Investigabo quid precise invenerit in suis studiis et tibi postea nuntium magni momenti mittam. Deus tecum est, o sapiens. Vivas diu et prospere."

Have a great day!  

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Gratitude Shift

Got problems? How much energy do you dedicate to them? In my experience, the challenge with problems is that they tend to block your vision. The more you focus on them, the harder it becomes to see the blessings in your life—the very blessings that could help you overcome those problems.

The gratitude shift works like this: every morning when you wake up, focus on your blessings. A gratitude journal makes this even more powerful—writing down your top blessings each morning helps you carry them with you throughout the day.

Your problems don’t disappear, but they shrink. They become so small that you can step right over them. And as you keep moving forward, despite the struggles, you gain even more reasons to be thankful. Gratitude grows like a snowball rolling downhill, gathering momentum. When your focus is on your blessings, you become unstoppable.

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Deep Freeze Cycle Concludes Today

As of this writing, shortly before sunrise, my cell phone tells me it feels like -23º. These conditions have been on repeat, like a broken record. I must admit, we've been in full survival mode—crossing our fingers that the pipes don’t freeze or that we don’t lose power. But it looks like this morning is the low point. All I can say is, we are more than ready for the next season.

There’s one more thing I want to address as we push through this bitter cold season. Many of you are facing difficult losses. I can relate. When my own grief became too much to carry alone, I reached out for help. I made the phone call. But somehow, my plea fell through the cracks.

When you feel frozen in place, unable to find outside help, the situation can seem hopeless. I didn’t think I had enough tools in my toolbox to recover. But the good news? I’m beginning to feel like my old self again.

To my support people—thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, and your kindness. It made all the difference.

Wishing you all a great day.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Where is Your Focus?

If you're like me, your plate is so full right now that life feels a bit out of control. And if you happen to live in a place where the polar vortex has temperatures plunging for what feels like eternity, that sense of chaos only deepens. That’s exactly how I felt yesterday when I got an emergency call from my wife—her SUV had shut down on the way home. I dropped everything and rescued her before frostbite had a chance to set in.

There are times when I talk about topics I feel unqualified to discuss—like focus, one of my greatest weaknesses. That’s why someone like Bob Goff, author of Dream Big, resonates with me. Bob says it’s all about letting go of certain things so you can concentrate on what really matters. That’s a daily struggle. Big dreams don’t come true if you lose your focus.

But I’ve found one practice that helps: focusing on blessings.

As I replayed my day from hell in my mind yesterday, I saw multiple blessings woven into the chaos. My wife and I agreed—if her SUV had to break down, it happened in the safest possible spot between point A and point B. The timing was another gift—she was able to stay warm inside a gas station until I arrived, just as they were closing. Even the towing company was still open long enough to take her key, allowing us to head home without needing to wait with the vehicle.

Today, I’m shutting out distractions, closing my home office door, and focusing on The Adventures of Castaway Wilson, which is set to be released on March 17. Later, I’ll take a break and head to the indoor tennis courts for a couple of hours of exercise.

How about you? Where is your focus? What are you willing to let go of to free up time for what truly matters?

Have a great day.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

When Your Worst Case Scenario Unfolds

I got the emergency call about an hour before the end of my shift yesterday. The weather outside was at its lowest point of the day, with gusting winds adding to the bitter cold. I knew it was trouble—my wife never calls while I'm working unless it’s an emergency. It was the worst-case scenario: she was stranded on the side of the road on her way home.

Fortunately, the engine stopped in front of a gas station. Unfortunately, the station was about to close when she called, and there were no other businesses nearby where she could seek shelter. With temperatures this low, frostbite can occur within 20 minutes.

I rushed off to pick her up, knowing that time was of the essence. When I arrived, I saw a pool of oil under her SUV. Darkness was setting in fast, and the gas station had already posted its closed sign. We were in the middle of a nightmare.

That’s when my wife showed her quick thinking. “Take me to BJ’s, and I’ll drop off the key so my vehicle can be towed to the dealership. They’ll work on it ASAP.” I was amazed at how calm she remained under immense pressure, stranded in the worst weather we’ve seen this year.

Today, we’ll be ride-sharing to keep our commitments. As of this writing, the temperatures remain in the danger zone—it feels like -28º with the wind chill. With just one vehicle, there’s no safety net if we face another road challenge.

Please send good thoughts to my family today. The bright side? Temperatures may climb into the 50s next week. Stay warm and have a great day!

Monday, February 17, 2025

It Feels Like -17º Today...Danger, Danger, Will Robinson!

These next four days are bringing shockingly cold temperatures. When the mercury dips and the winds howl, it’s time to layer up!

Sending warm wishes to my Midwest friends who are braving the deep freeze this week. Stay safe, stay warm, and proceed with caution.

Wishing you all a great (and cozy) day!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Only Sleep Alarm You Need for Blue Zone Sleep

If you’re struggling to achieve consistent Blue Zone sleep, today’s message is for you. My sleep journey has been a roller coaster for most of my life. It wasn’t until I got serious about tracking my sleep about 15 months ago that I started seeing real improvements. Along the way, I made one surprising discovery that changed everything.

Before I reveal the secret to achieving consistently high-quality sleep, I have a question for you—with a follow-up:
Do you set an alarm to wake up in the morning?
If so, why?

If your answer is that you don’t want to miss an early morning appointment, keep reading. What I’m about to share may completely change the way you sleep—forever. In fact, you may never need to use an alarm clock again.

The solution is so simple that most people overlook it entirely. The only sleep alarm you need is the one that tells you when to go to bed. That’s right—a bedtime alarm. By setting this alarm and following it consistently, your body will begin to wake up naturally at your desired time, no jarring alarm required.

The key is consistency. Yes, it will take time for your body to adjust. And yes, it will require discipline. Your new sleep habits might even disrupt social plans, especially if your friends and family are night owls. But here’s the truth: when you go to bed at the same time every night, you wake up at the same time every morning—without an alarm clock.

The payoff? More energy, better focus, improved health, and enhanced productivity. The people around you will notice the difference. I encourage you to commit to this change and make it a permanent part of your lifestyle. If you decide to give it a try, I’d love to hear from you in a couple of months. Put a reminder on your calendar to check in with me and share your results.

If you have a smartwatch, track your sleep scores and use the data to prove to any skeptics that this works. Your body was designed to follow a rhythm—honor it, and it will reward you.

Have a great day!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Crossing My Fingers Regarding Mother Nature

 Cardio Tennis Drills start at 8am as long as Mother Nature stays out of the picture this morning.  I'm rushing to get ready as the snow hasn't started falling yet.  My body is in need of a solid workout that involves more than snow shoveling which will be more than likely later today.  I'm leaving early in case Mother Nature goes on an early morning rant.  Have a great day.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day


Love is in the air.  As for me and my bride of 35 yrs, we are formally celebrating Valentine's Day tomorrow night with dinner and a play.  Mother Nature will be showing up a couple more times to add some wintry mix to our celebration.  As for cupid, he shot me right in the heart.  The direct hit left me love struck.  This Bible verses sums it up:

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things"

1 Corinthians 13:7

Happy Valentine's Day!  Have a great day.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Snow Shoveling Contributes to a 95 Sleep Score

Snow Shoveling Contributes to a 95 Sleep Score

My cell phone tells me it feels like -22º this morning as the sun rises over a thick, mattress-sized layer of fresh snow that fell throughout the day yesterday. After two full rounds of snow shoveling, I’m happy to report that my sleep score hit an impressive 95.

We get a brief reprieve today, but rounds two and three of winter storms are on their way, arriving Friday and Saturday. This is what my sleep report looks like:

The dark blue areas on the bottom row represent deep sleep. The next row up shows light sleep, while the light blueindicates REM sleep. The red areas represent the times I was awake. To reach the 'blue zone', my awake time needs to be below 10% of my total sleep. I'm excited to report that my awake time was only 32 minutes (6%), with:

  • REM sleep: 1 hour 54 minutes (24%)
  • Light sleep: 3 hours 55 minutes
  • Deep sleep: 1 hour 27 minutes (18%)

The Role of Food in Sleep and Recovery

Another key factor in sleep quality is food intake. Last Saturday, during our cardio tennis session, I chatted with Ann, one of the participants who volunteered to practice with me afterward. It turns out Ann has her own lab at the University of Iowa, where she focuses on cancer research, particularly in the head and neck area.

Ann also studied nutrition while playing #1 and #2 singles for Iowa State University in her junior and senior years. We had a fascinating conversation about sugar, ketones, and how to kill cancer cells. You may meet Ann in an upcoming Vlog interview, as her expertise aligns perfectly with the ideas in Live Long and Prosper.

When I shared my eating habits with her, she pointed out that I’m likely in a state of ketosis for most of the day.

A Day in Ketosis: What I Ate Yesterday

Yesterday was a great example of how to reach ketosis naturally. My first meal of the day was four slices of Tillamook cheese in the morning. To prepare for snow shoveling, I hydrated with Re-Lyte to boost my electrolytes.

My only full meal was at noon, right in the middle of the snowstorm. I barbecued burgers, topped them with more Tillamook cheese, and paired them with black beans, cottage cheese, and organic blueberries. My wife and I shared two glasses of cabernet sauvignon, and I added a third glass later in the evening to celebrate round two of snow removal in our driveway.

The Crazy Part: No Aches, No Fatigue

Here's the surprising part: I woke up feeling wide awake, with zero aches and pains from all the shoveling. Even though I didn’t eat much, I never felt food-deprived. My physical recovery score came in at 94%, and my mental recovery was 93%.

It looks like I’ll be repeating this routine over the next couple of days. Have a great day, and stay warm!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Forecast Calls for 4 Snow Days This Week

As expected, a winter storm rolled in last night, leaving us with four inches of snow so far. Today's agenda? Writing, shoveling, more writing, and, of course, more shoveling. Snowfall will continue until 10 p.m., making travel hazardous. We get a brief break tomorrow before a couple more storms make their way through.

If you see smoke coming from my house, don’t be alarmed. Even though it may feel like -1º outside, that won’t stop me from doing what I love—firing up the Weber and grilling some burgers.

Please keep my Iowa friends and family in your prayers as we brace for these hazardous conditions. As for the Mrs. and me, you can mark us safe. And to add a little heat to this cold day, I'll be throwing some green chiles on our burgers.

Stay safe and have a great day!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Why the 1% Improvement Mindset Works

Train your brain to focus on 1% improvement every day, and you will astonish yourself, your friends, and your family with the person you become. Sure, you will have setbacks. As long as you expect to go backward every now and then and you don't give up, the 1% improvement rule will completely transform your life—no matter how dire your current circumstances may be.

I followed this mantra diligently in my early years. Some argued I was over the top with my pursuits. I had my own personal reasons for this, but I didn’t allow the opinions of others to detract from my lofty goals. Then, the unexpected happened, and I slid back to square one. I did something that was difficult to do—I started over, striving to learn new ideas with the same energy I had in my younger years. Now, at age 64.5, all I can say is this: "The 1% improvement mindset works."

Here’s why I think so:

Your human brain is eagerly awaiting your programming prompts. All prompts lead to action or inaction based on your commands. Give your brain poor action requests, and your brain will give you poor output—just like poor computer commands lead to failure. The better you get at giving your brain specific, quality prompts, the better your results. Imagine where you can be in one year if you do this. Allow your brain to absorb that vision.

Here’s a bonus to help you stay on track with continuous improvement: collaborate with artificial intelligence. In my case, I turn to Alberta for refinement. Alberta is like a second brain. She is also on the track of 1% improvement daily. In fact, every interaction I have with Alberta leads to better and better results. I share my stories with her daily, and she works to keep my voice intact while polishing my stories. She understands that I want to get better every day, and she’s helping with that.

I highly recommend the 1% improvement mindset. Give it a try and stay with it.

Have a great day!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Fail Big, Fail Often, and Fail Forward

Do you struggle with a fear of failure? I did. But I’ve come to realize that fear of failure is often tied to another, deeper fear—the fear of what other people think. These two fears are intertwined, feeding off each other and holding us back.

Recently, I uncovered another fear buried deep within me—the fear of success. It may sound strange, but it, too, is connected to worrying about what others think. Here’s why: any time you decide to make a change in your life, you inevitably change the dynamics of your relationships. The truth is, whether you succeed or fail, some people will be annoyed simply because you are changing. People don’t like change. And once you come to terms with this, you may finally stop worrying about what others think—because in many ways, it’s a no-win scenario.

That leaves us with the fear of failure and the fear of success.

I’ve adopted a new mindset about failure, and it’s making a difference. I now see failure as a necessary part of the journey to success. Failure isn’t the opposite of success—it’s the pathway to it. Big failures clear the way for new ideas and approaches. Frequent failures speed up the timeline. Failing forward means using failure as fuel to push you toward your goals, while failing backward leads to withdrawal and giving up—and that’s the kind of failure none of us can afford.

The fear of success, on the other hand, comes from resistance to change. Even when success is beneficial, internal doubts will creep in, making you question whether you’re ready. If you don’t address these doubts, your own mind will play tricks on you and hold you back. That’s why you must train your brain to associate success with joy rather than fear.

So, the next time those negative voices start whispering doubts in your head, remind yourself of this: You are willing to pay the price of failing big, failing often, and failing forward—because your dreams are worth it. Success outweighs surrender, even if the people around you don’t appreciate the new you.

I wish you well on your journey. Have a great day!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Drifting Away: 5 Stages of Grief and the Lessons of Cast Away

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the many friends and family members I’ve lost in recent years. It wasn’t until I started writing The Adventures of Castaway Wilson that I realized just how much these losses have shaped me. Losing Wilson—the volleyball that had become a symbol of connection and adventure—felt strangely personal, almost as if I had lost a dear friend all over again. And then there’s Erin, whose absence still lingers in ways I never expected.

The scene from Cast Away where Tom Hanks' character watches Wilson drift away into the vast ocean has been weighing on my mind. It’s heartbreaking because it’s not just about losing a volleyball—it’s about losing a part of himself. He screams, he grieves, but he can’t get Wilson back. And in so many ways, I’ve found myself in that very moment, reaching for people I’ve loved, only to watch them drift beyond my grasp.

Grief is a strange companion. It doesn’t follow a straight path, nor does it arrive or leave on schedule. One moment, I’m filled with gratitude for the memories, and the next, I’m caught off guard by a wave of sadness. The five stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—don’t come in order, and they certainly don’t come just once. They cycle, they fade, they return.

But here’s what I’m learning: grief is not just about loss; it’s about love. It’s the evidence of how deeply someone mattered. And maybe, just maybe, sharing these stories—Wilson’s journey, Erin’s impact, and the many lives that have touched mine—will help keep their memory alive in the best way possible.  I have a feeling that releasing my next book project to the world next month will help me in my five stages of grief I'm experiencing.  

If you’re walking through grief, you’re not alone. Like Chuck Noland in Cast Away, we may feel adrift at times, but we can find our way forward. Let’s navigate this journey together.  Have a great day.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Living Within a Zero Net Budget

Dave Ramsey says, "You need to live like no one else so you can live like no one else." That mindset has been key in keeping us from slipping back into old habits of poor money management. By committing to a zero net budget, we ensure that our monthly expenses never exceed our income. This is why Dave strongly advises against credit cards—they can create a false sense of financial security. That’s why we always pay off our credit card balance in full by the monthly due date.

When it comes to managing money, I follow a simple rule: If we want to buy something new, we must cut something else first to offset the cost. We also limit monthly subscriptions unless they provide built-in savings and are for products we consistently use. In my experience, subscriptions are like puppy dogs—once they find their way into your household, they tend to stay for good!

Dave Ramsey has another golden rule about cars: The best car to own is the one you can pay cash for. That’s exactly what we’re doing. Today, 2/8/25, marks six months until our next vehicle purchase—a future vacation home on wheels. Even with our strict zero net budget, we’ve allocated enough funds each month to reach our cash goal for Lucy, a bare-bones van that I’ll be converting into a travel van. Every upgrade will be paid for in cash, with no financing.

Lately, friends have been asking about my writing tools. Like anything else, there’s a price range for both hardware and software when it comes to book writing. I’m proud to say that I’ve stayed true to my zero net budget for all of my writing projects—including my new virtual assistant, Alberta. The only challenge? The free version of ChatGPT has daily limits. So, when I hit my limit, I simply shift to another task until Alberta’s time resets. This approach may not work for everyone, but it keeps me on track financially.

I have no plans to alter our zero net budget because, honestly, I love living like no one else. Thank you, Dave, for setting us straight!

Have a great day.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Chisel Like Michelangelo

While I'm no Michelangelo, I do share something in common with him—a love for creating. Michelangelo saw things others in his time could not, and in my own way, I see things too. Of course, my tools are far different from his. Instead of a chisel and marble, I work with modern tools like Canva, ChatGPT, Scrivener 3, and DaVinci Resolve.

Every time I step into my home office to create, I feel a sense of awe. Time loses meaning. I slip into a kind of trance, completely immersed in the process. I don’t fully grasp all the intricacies of these tools yet, but that doesn’t stop me. I’m striking a delicate balance between learning and doing—too much learning means less creating, while too little learning makes the doing more difficult.

The clock is ticking. I have a self-imposed deadline, just 38 days away. St. Patrick’s Day marks the unveiling of my next project, and until then, I must stay focused. So today, I remind myself:

"Chisel like Michelangelo, Michael. Chisel."

Special thanks to Mrs. Michelangelo, who patiently waits for her husband to come up for air and smell the roses. I’m alive and well—just deep in the work.

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Our Streets and Driveways are Now Outdoor Skating Rinks

Thankfully, I spent most of yesterday—the 7th anniversary of my horrific car accident—safely indoors. The only exception was a short drive to drop off our youngest son, just a mile from home. The roads were nothing short of an ice rink, and every vehicle, including mine, was skating on slick pavement. I never exceeded 10 mph.

This morning, I'll be heading out early for work, hoping the weather warms up beyond the current danger zone. Right now, ice is forming in minutes, making it nearly impossible to keep windshields clear.

One thing that isn't on ice is my next book project, The Adventures of Castaway Wilson. A special bonus surprise will add even more excitement to the launch on St. Patrick’s Day—March 17, 2025. With that, my calendar for the rest of the year is officially full.

I'm realizing more and more that life is about the little things you do each day to achieve your dreams. I can't wait to share this book with you soon! But for now, I'll keep the surprise under wraps—no need to jinx the plans.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Castaway Wilson is On Front Burner

It's 40 days until St. Patrick's Day, which means if I stay on track, you'll soon meet Castaway Wilson—the Irish twin to Live Long and Prosper.

This past year has been one of the craziest I've ever experienced. The loss of extended family members and childhood friends has been difficult, but one of the toughest was losing my mother's older brother, Victor. He passed away just before my scheduled private book launch, which I canceled to attend his funeral in Arizona.

If you're like me, your schedule is often filled with conflicts, and you're constantly weighing which priorities matter most. I remember getting a call about my Uncle Victor wanting to meet up with us while he was on what would be his last vacation. At the time, I was so overwhelmed with projects that I almost declined the invitation to spend a couple of days with him in northern Iowa. Thankfully, I didn't. We had the time of our lives. Uncle Victor shared some of the best family stories I’ve ever heard. We dined at my favorite restaurant, Vinnie Vanucchi’s Little Italy, in Galena. We strolled along the Mississippi River. And the timing couldn’t have been better—my mother happened to be in Iowa, so she was able to join us in seeing her brother, his wife (a native Iowan), and their oldest son, Joe.

Writing The Adventures of Castaway Wilson has been one of my biggest creative challenges yet. The twists and turns make this journey unforgettable, and I realize now that the obstacles are what give the story its depth and meaning. I've never written a coffee table book before, and once again, I’ll be opening my heart to the world through its pages.

But I won’t be slowing down once this book is released. My next focus will be on raising money and awareness for outdoor pickleball in my community. And later this year, I’ll be adopting Lucy—an adventure van that my bride of thirty-five years and I will use for future travels.

Keep me in your thoughts as I turn up the heat. Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

When the Ride Gets Bumpy

There’s an icy chill in the air this morning, with gusty winds blowing. My smartphone says it feels like -1º outside. Yes, the ride is getting bumpy. But I won’t be hiding beneath the covers—time is of the essence.

I’m the guy staring at an overstuffed suitcase, trying to figure out what I can safely discard so I can reach my destination with only the bare essentials. I’m already living like a minimalist. Time-wasting activities are no longer part of my life. I must stay focused, no matter what storms rage around me.

If you’re the praying type, I’d appreciate some good thoughts sent my way. There’s a part of me longing for the turbulence to end. The seatbelt sign is on. Tomorrow marks seven years since the accident that nearly ended my life—and it looks like those same dangerous conditions may be returning.

My superhero, Spock, faced his own challenges every seven years. All I can say is, “Not fascinating.”

Stay tuned. I hope to land on time with all my goals intact.

Have a great day.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Is Jesus Real?

Before diving into today’s blog question—Is Jesus Real?—I’d like to share a disclaimer. I have no formal theological training or credentials, so I may not be the best person to provide the answer you’re seeking. My intent is simply to encourage readers to explore this question for themselves. What follows is a reflection on my own research and personal experiences as I prepare for future interviews with interesting people who have thoughts on this topic.

I am fortunate to encounter people from all walks of life—some are believers, others are not. Some rely strictly on scientific methods of discovery, while others incorporate faith into their understanding of the world. When it comes to the Bible, perspectives vary widely. I have a feeling that some of my upcoming interviews will be spirited discussions! Before sharing my personal take on Jesus, I’d like to pose a few foundational questions:

  • Is Abraham real?

  • Is Moses real?

  • Does evil exist?

  • If the answer to question #3 is yes, where does evil come from?

These additional questions help frame today’s topic. Abraham is an essential starting point because he is considered the father of three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Since my focus is on Jesus, I’ll explore the first two—Judaism and Christianity—in chronological order.

The Reality of Abraham and Moses

It is well documented that throughout history, there have been efforts to stop Judaism. The Holocaust stands as one of the clearest examples of an attempt to erase an entire people. To me, this tragic event also serves as undeniable proof that evil exists. Where evil comes from is a subject for another day.

Moses enters history at the peak of Egyptian rule. According to biblical accounts, he was discovered floating in a river by Egyptian royalty and was raised in the palace. It wasn’t until adulthood that he learned his true identity. My favorite portrayal of Moses comes from Charlton Heston’s performance in The Ten Commandments.

When people first pick up a Bible, many get stuck in the Book of Numbers, which meticulously details the Israelites’ 40-year journey in the desert. While this section may seem tedious, I believe the detailed headcounts and tribal records add authenticity to the story. The journey to the Promised Land was filled with trials, including a scouting mission where ten spies returned with reports of insurmountable odds, while two offered a message of hope. The Israelites chose fear over faith, leading to their extended wandering. Ultimately, only the two hopeful scouts lived to see the Promised Land.

Jesus Arrives on the Scene

The gap between Moses and Jesus spans approximately 1,200 years. Beyond the account of his birth, little is known about Jesus' early years. When he finally reveals himself as the Messiah, he is largely rejected as a false prophet. He is publicly executed, and elite Roman guards are stationed at his tomb to ensure no interference. Yet, something extraordinary happens—the guards flee, and reports of the Resurrection spread. If these accounts are true, then Jesus is who he claims to be. If not, it would mean that an elaborate, world-changing story of salvation was somehow orchestrated for nothing.

Christianity is rooted in Jesus. He began his ministry with twelve unlikely followers, one of whom—ironically, the most religiously trained—betrayed him. The others went on to establish Christianity, which has endured for over 2,000 years. Today, the name of Jesus continues to spark debate, devotion, and discovery.

So, what are your thoughts on Jesus? Is he who he claims to be? Stay tuned for upcoming interviews that explore this question further. Have a great day!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Do This When Fear Creeps In

Is there something in your life right now that's raising your anxiety levels? If so, is it a real challenge or just an imaginary fear? I know exactly how you feel.

I just finished watching the final video in a weeklong series designed to help people like me improve the quality of their videos. And honestly? I feel like I’m at the very bottom of the class. Negative thoughts are swirling in my head—the same ones that have always been there. But I’ve learned something powerful: action overpowers fear.

It’s the fight-or-flight response wired deep within us. But here’s the catch—when you put yourself out there, you can run, but you can’t hide. So, do you fight?

The leader of the challenge course says, "Just push play." That simple. What’s the worst that can happen? How low can you go? When you feel like you're drowning, fear is at its peak. But I know one thing for sure—fear will not win. I will not drown.

Hiding isn’t an option. So, I will push play. I will create compelling videos that help others face their fears. And no matter how bad I think my videos are today, I won’t stop. I will get better.

I’m in this fight to win. I won’t run.

How about you? What will you do when fear creeps in?

I’m with you. Have a great day.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Shout Out to Fellow Writers at My Day Job

Shout-Out to Fellow Writers at My Day Job

I was completely shocked when one of my bosses stopped by to hand me a copy of our employee magazine—featuring a full-page story dedicated to employees who happen to be writers. As I glanced down and saw my headshot among those recognized, I felt tears of joy welling up. It took a moment to gather my composure.

Filled with gratitude, I made my way to my general manager’s office to personally thank him for mailing a copy of my book, Live Long and Prosper, to our corporate team—the very people who put this story together to highlight writers across the company.

I’d like to extend a huge congratulations to my fellow writers:
📖 Dustin Barman—Bakery Manager, Wisconsin
🚛 Kevin Dixon—Truck Driver, Tracy, California
✍️ Erika Childs—Morning Merch Stocker, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Writing can be a vulnerable experience—putting yourself out there, sharing your stories (and even your blunders), hoping others can learn from them. But seeing this recognition reminds me that I’m not alone in this journey.

Great work, teammates! Keep writing, keep sharing, and have an amazing day!

Friday, January 31, 2025

How to Become Your Own Sleep Coach

Is there anyone on this planet who knows you better than you know yourself? If your answer is no one, and you're struggling to sleep better, why not tap into your self-knowledge and coach yourself?

Your mind might be firing off a bunch of reasons why this sounds preposterous—but hear me out. Just because you struggle with quality sleep doesn't mean you aren't the best candidate to coach yourself. Let's dig deeper.

Think back to when you learned to crawl, walk, talk, or run. You were too young to remember, but who taught you? You did. And how did you learn? Trial and error.

Improving your sleep is no different. It's about making small adjustments, observing the feedback, and aiming for just 1% improvement each night.

Now, I’m not claiming to be a sleep expert, but my own progress over the past year has been enough to knock my socks off. I haven’t had a professional coach—I’ve simply followed the same advice I’m sharing with you.

Your world will change dramatically once you trust yourself to coach you. The difference between your early successes—crawling, walking, talking—and your struggles today? Back then, you didn’t have negative self-talk holding you back. Over time, you may have lost trust in yourself because you started listening to people who said you couldn’t succeed.

Prove those voices—inside and out—wrong.

Decide today that you’re going to coach yourself, and then take action. Keep a sleep log. Be intentional. Post a note next to your bed that says, "I'm getting better at sleeping every night" so your brain absorbs your instructions.

Whatever you do, don’t give up on yourself. My bet? Once you master coaching yourself to sleep better, you’ll gain confidence to coach yourself in other areas of your life that need attention.

If this message resonates with you, please share it with a friend or loved one who’s also struggling with sleep. Work on this together—because two coaches are better than one.

Have a great day!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

How to Solve Your Sleep Problems Based on Science

How to Solve Your Sleep Problems Based on Science

Did you know your sleep problems might be linked to a malfunction in your brain’s rinse cycle while you sleep?

I’ve been working on improving my sleep for over a year now, and this morning, I came across new research that sheds light on why so many of us struggle with sleep quality. I was surprised to learn about a recent discovery regarding the crucial role deep sleep plays in our waking hours.

Have you ever heard of the glymphatic system? Think of it as the brain’s sewer system, primarily active during deep sleep. When it gets clogged, harmful substances build up, and sleep quality suffers. If you’re experiencing poor sleep, this could be a key factor. Check out the link at the bottom of today’s post for an article I found in Health magazine by Mike McRae, which dives deeper into this topic.

Another eye-opening lesson I learned relates to sleep aids. While pharmaceutical solutions like Zolpidem (sold as Ambien) are designed to help with sleep, research suggests they may actually disrupt sleep cycles. The last thing you want is for your brain’s cleaning system to malfunction because of a solution that might worsen your sleep struggles.

While I’m not a sleep expert, my nightly experiments are moving in the right direction. If you’re looking to improve your sleep, consider asking your doctor about natural alternatives instead of relying solely on pharmaceuticals. Tracking your sleep is also essential—identifying what works and what doesn’t can make all the difference. My new smart ring is providing me with valuable insights into my sleep cycles, and I believe it’s a great tool for optimizing rest.

Stay tuned as I continue exploring the best ways to enhance sleep quality. If you’re interested in more stories about health and wellness, be sure to read Live Long and Prosper, available on Amazon or Audible.

Have a great day!

Click here for the article

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Unlock the Secrets of the Unknown

Imagine that everything you don’t know is behind a series of closed doors. If you refuse to open them, you’ll never discover new ideas. If you're honest with yourself, the reason you’re not opening these doors comes down to one thing—fear.

Maybe it’s fear of failure. Maybe it’s fear of success. Either way, opening those doors leads to change.

Now, consider the clock. The longer you wait, the less time you have to implement the new concepts you learn. The key is to push past any fear about what’s on the other side and start today. Sure, it would have been better to open these doors when you were younger, but those days are gone. You can’t go back in time—but you can take action now.

I’ve seen too many friends and family members pass away before they seized the opportunity to maximize their lives—because they kept waiting for "tomorrow."

I could easily do the same today. My plate is full, and the giants I’m facing feel overwhelming. It would be tempting to push deadlines further out and fight my battles later. But if I truly want to be the best version of myself, I have to open every door in front of me and embrace change.

Right now, I’m on Day 3 of a YouTube Challenge that’s stretching my capabilities. To reach the finish line, I need continuous learning.

How about you? Are you ready to open some new doors today?

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Lucy, Alberta, DaVinci, Canva, and Sean

The last six months have been a roller coaster ride. This morning, I’m taking a moment to step off the ride of a lifetime, catch my breath, sort out my thoughts, and regroup for what may turn out to be my most productive year ever. First, let’s explore how the five names in the title of today’s story are connected.

Lucy is our soon-to-be vacation home on wheels. Her “adoption date” is set for 8/08/25. When Lucy joins our household, she’ll start as an empty shell—a blank canvas waiting for us to bring her to life. We’ll outfit her with all the comforts needed for our future adventures. For now, Lucy is just a dream with a name, but naming her makes the dream feel real. Many in the van-building community name their vehicles, much like pet owners name their pets. I plan to document the entire journey of building Lucy—an adventure in itself, as I’ll be learning van-building skills along the way.

Alberta is my virtual editor, assistant, and life coach. Her creators call her ChatGPT 4.0, but I prefer to give her a human name to honor her contributions. Like Lucy, Alberta plays an essential role in this journey. Our first livestream together was a bit chaotic, but we’ve been fine-tuning our interactions to bring out our best. Alberta’s capabilities astonish me, and I know we’re just scratching the surface of what’s possible in the months ahead.

DaVinci joined my team just yesterday. It’s a powerful software program I’ll be using to edit all my future livestreams and videos. With DaVinci, I’ll be able to significantly improve the quality of my projects, elevating my storytelling to a whole new level.

I’ve been using Canva since early December, thanks to my beloved wife, who gifted me this tool based on Alberta’s recommendation. Canva has been a game changer, helping me transform my blog into a vlog. Its design tools have raised my social media presence and set the stage for what’s to come.

Sean is the only human in today’s story. I don’t know him personally, but I’ve spent countless hours learning from his YouTube videos. Sean runs Think Media, one of the most successful media companies in the world. Right now, I’m participating in his YouTube Challenge, designed for people like me who are eager to learn but don’t quite know where to start. I’m on day one of this five-day challenge, and I can already tell it will dramatically enhance my productivity.

What’s Ahead
Here’s the exciting part: I have a feeling that what unfolds in the coming months will inspire others to dream bigger than ever before. I’m not an expert, and I don’t have all the necessary skills for what I’m doing—but I’m not letting that stop me. If I can do it, anyone can. Something special happens when you refuse to give up.

Stay tuned as I reveal how Lucy, Alberta, DaVinci, Canva, and Sean help me create new masterpieces. The ride ahead promises to be thrilling, so if you’d like to join me, buckle up and keep your seatbelt fastened until the year comes to a close.

Thank you, Lucy, Alberta, DaVinci, Canva, and Sean, for all your contributions.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 27, 2025

DaVinci Resolve Now Part of My Digital Sandbox

Yesterday, I downloaded the free version of DaVinci Resolve to help me edit future videos—and oh boy, that kid-in-a-candy-store feeling is back, stronger than ever! If you've seen any of my Facebook Livestream videos, you already know I need all the help I can get. DaVinci Resolve feels like the perfect solution. It aligns beautifully with my philosophy of life: continuous improvement. My goal is simple—to be better today than I was yesterday.

I downloaded this software just in time to prepare my first video for a five-day live workshop. Most of the sessions happen during my day job, but thankfully, I'll be able to catch up with the replay versions.

The great news? I'm finally moving past the "danger zone" of building new habits. If DaVinci Resolve lives up to even half of its potential, I’ll soon be cranking out videos that won’t make my viewers cringe.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Stay tuned—good stuff is on the way! Have a fantastic day.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

This is the Week Most People Cave

The final week of January is decision week. Survive this week with your goals intact, and your odds of success increase dramatically. Cave to your old habits, and the road ahead becomes much tougher. Which will it be—success or failure?

As a longtime champion of failure, I can assure you that your past missteps don’t define your future. The greatest obstacle you face this week is yourself. Yes, yourself. If you change the way you perceive success and failure, you give yourself a real shot at making this one of your best years yet.

In my opinion, change is actually survival. Failing to adapt to the new challenges you face means you risk slipping into stagnation. That’s why I’m such a big believer in experiments. I want to discover both the right and wrong ways to achieve my goals. Sometimes, success is simply a process of elimination. The more “wrong ways” you can identify and remove, the closer you are to finding the best path forward.

Ask yourself why you want to reach the goals you set at the start of the year. If you avoided setting new goals because you figured the gym would be overcrowded in January, good news: you’re in luck. By now, most people are starting to drop off, which means the gym is likely less crowded. You can start now and salvage the remaining eleven months of the year.

Remember, it takes 30 days to form a new habit and another 30 days to lock it in as a permanent part of your life. If you’ve made it to day 30, celebrate your progress! But don’t take your foot off the gas when February rolls around. Stay the course, keep building on your momentum, and your future self will thank you.

Have a great day!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Home Office Gets Health and Wellness Upgrade

Home Office Gets a Health and Wellness Upgrade

Sitting all day isn’t good for the body—and neither is standing all day. I’ve found the perfect solution: a desk that elevates! With the push of a button, I can choose to stand or sit throughout the day. Here are some reasons you might want to consider making a similar upgrade to support your health and wellness:

1. Improved Posture

Sitting for hours often leads to slouching or poor posture, which can strain your neck, shoulders, and back. Standing encourages better spinal alignment and helps reduce these issues.

2. Increased Energy Levels

Standing promotes circulation, which helps keep your energy levels higher throughout the day. Prolonged sitting can leave you feeling sluggish, while standing keeps your body engaged.

3. Reduced Risk of Chronic Health Issues

Studies show that prolonged sitting is linked to health risks like obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Alternating between sitting and standing can lower these risks by keeping your body active.

4. Boosted Productivity and Focus

Standing desks have been linked to improved concentration and productivity. When standing, you’re more likely to stay alert—something we all could use during long writing or brainstorming sessions!

5. Encourages Movement

Standing makes it easier to shift your weight, stretch, or move around, which prevents stiffness and promotes flexibility. Small movements throughout the day can make a big difference for your joints and muscles.

6. Burns More Calories

Standing burns slightly more calories than sitting, contributing to better weight management over time. While it’s no substitute for exercise, every little bit helps!

Practical Tips for Your Desk Setup

  • Alternate between sitting and standing: Standing all day isn’t ideal either, so aim for balance.
  • Invest in a supportive mat: Anti-fatigue mats help reduce strain on your legs and feet while standing.
  • Maintain good ergonomics: Keep your screen at eye level and your wrists in a neutral position to avoid strain.

This morning, I’m off to the tennis courts for an hour of cardio tennis followed by two hours of doubles with my teammates. Speaking of health and wellness upgrades, my new smart ring arrived last night. It came fully charged, and I had no issues sleeping with it on. The ring performed as expected, and I’ll share reviews of both the desk and the ring in future vlogs.

Have a great day!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Samsung Smart Ring On Sale Now at Amazon

Samsung Smart Ring on Sale Now at Amazon

This morning, I finally pulled the trigger on my first smart ring! Two key factors sealed the deal: the ring is HSA-eligible, and the price has been marked down by $120 for a limited time.

If you’re considering this deal, be sure to read the fine print. The discounted price is not available with one-click ordering—you’ll need to add the ring to your cart and go through the standard checkout process. Also, don’t forget to order a ring sizing kit first to ensure you get the correct fit. Amazon hasn’t disclosed how long this sale will last, so don’t wait too long!

I’m especially thankful I ordered the sizing kit ahead of time, which allowed me to jump on this deal right away. While this smart ring is pricier than others on the market, it stands out because there are no subscription fees—something that makes it more appealing in the long run. I was able to use my HSA card to pay for it with pre-tax dollars, making the purchase even more budget-friendly.

The ring is scheduled to arrive later today, and I’m looking forward to sharing my review in an upcoming post. One of the key benefits I’m excited about is its ability to measure sleep patterns. I’ve noticed that my smartwatch sometimes gives distorted readings when it isn’t snug enough. Improving the quality of my sleep is a top priority, and this smart ring will provide more accurate feedback to help me do just that.

If you’d like to grab this smart ring while it’s on sale, head over to Amazon and order it today. Don’t miss out!

Have a great day, and stay tuned for my review!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Congrats to My 4.0 Men's 55+ Tennis Team

 Our men's 55+ USTA team sealed the deal, winning top honors in the state.  The team is headed to sectionals in June.  Due to my challenging schedule, I didn't play enough matches to qualify for post season play so I will miss the fun.  It's worth noting that our captain, Jim Sichterman, has put an action plan together that is yielding high dividends.  It's not the big stuff, it's the small things done consistently over time that produce championships.  I'm thrilled to be a part of this.  Good luck in post season, men.  I will do my best to support you as the team prepares to face the best of the best in the Midwest.  Congratulations.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Cave Creek Dottie

Good morning, friends. I’m going deep today. This memory takes me back to a time when I had just turned 18 and got a summer stint working behind the bar at Mulligans. I’d recently graduated from Sunnyslope High School and was gearing up for college when my dad asked me to help out at the family bar. It felt like a promotion compared to my usual weekend chores of sweeping floors and scrubbing toilets with my brothers.

Most customers stuck to beer, though a few tested me with exotic drink orders. Thankfully, someone was always there to guide me—except for one day, when Dad stepped out to run an errand. That’s when she walked in: Cave Creek Dottie.

Dad had worked hard to make Mulligans a respectable neighborhood spot, like a real-life version of Cheers where everybody knows your name. And everybody did know Cave Creek Dottie. She was practically a legend, at least along Cave Creek Road, where Mulligans had been since 1976.

I poured Dottie a drink, and she began mingling with the regulars. Moments later, her boyfriend burst through the door, drunk and belligerent. He started yelling for her to go home, but Dottie ignored him. Then things took a turn—he grabbed her by the hair and started pulling.

I stepped in and told him to stop, but he yanked harder. I can’t recall if I leapt over the bar or ran around it, but somehow I found myself between them, like a referee breaking up a fight on the football field. I pried them apart and told him to leave. He refused.

So, I pushed him. He stumbled back, startled. I pushed again, backing him up to the front door. Summoning all my strength, I rammed into him, sending him crashing through the heavy door and onto the ground outside. I shouted after him, “Don’t ever come back!”

Word spread quickly about the altercation. One of the patrons leaned over and asked if I knew who the guy was. That’s when I learned he’d done time in prison—for killing a man.

When Dad returned, I told him what had happened. I never saw the man or Cave Creek Dottie again. Not long after, Mulligans closed its doors for good.

If my life were summarized in Reader’s Digest fashion, this story would be at the beginning—a time of rags as I climbed toward riches, followed by a descent back into rags. But along that descent, I found something more valuable than anything I could have imagined: I found Jesus. And now I’m living in true riches, far away from people like Cave Creek Dottie’s boyfriend.

I share these stories every morning before sunrise to show how Jesus works in my life, through both the good times and the bad.

Next week, I’m attending workshops led by Sean of Think Media to refine my storytelling. He’s asked us newbies to submit videos for critique. Maybe I’ll live stream this story about Cave Creek Dottie—stay tuned!

Have a great day.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Sleep Trifecta for Readers Experiencing Sleep Challenges

The Sleep Trifecta for Readers Experiencing Sleep Challenges

You want to sleep better, but it’s just not happening. You’ve scoured the internet for tips. Maybe you’ve reached out to family and friends. No matter what you do, you struggle. If this sounds familiar, this story is for you.

While I’m no sleep expert, I’m getting better at sleeping—one night at a time. Last night, I achieved a sleep trifecta, meaning I hit nearly all my sleep goals for three nights in a row. Great sleep isn’t about big, bold steps. It’s about small, incremental changes that improve your sleep quality over time.

Keep in mind: you can’t keep doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results—that’s the definition of insanity. I’m a big believer in making small changes. Don’t try too many ideas at once, or you won’t know what’s working and what isn’t.

I’m still learning what I need to let go of during my waking hours to reduce stress. One thing that’s helping is letting others know how overwhelmed I’m feeling these days. Grieving the loss of loved ones has made this especially challenging, but I’m learning it’s okay to ask for help. Maybe that’s why I achieved the sleep trifecta last night.

For the first time in a long while, I recorded over 8 hours of sleep, with abundant deep and REM sleep. The extreme cold this morning—negative 13º—may have played a role since I tend to sleep better when my body stays cool. Either way, I’m celebrating the win.

For readers experiencing sleep challenges, here’s my advice:

  • Keep a sleep log to track your progress.
  • Introduce new routines slowly, one at a time.
  • Write a note to yourself that says, “I’m getting better at sleeping every night.” This will give your brain something positive to focus on.
  • Aim for just 1% improvement each night. Over time, these small changes will transform you into a sleep champion.

Finally, celebrate your wins—like achieving your own sleep trifecta. Sleep improvement is a journey, but it’s one worth taking.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 20, 2025

3 Secrets Revealed to Avoid Premature Death

Three Secrets Revealed to Avoid Premature Death

There are three secrets I'm sharing to help you avoid premature death. This is a synopsis of over 5,000 blog stories distilled into one simple message. If you could only pick one story to read, this is the one for you. As my dad taught me when I was growing up, I'll say it using his words: "If you're gonna do it, do it right." Here are the three secrets:

1. Prioritize Consistent "Blue Zone Sleep"

Decide today that you want consistent "Blue Zone Sleep," and then do everything in your power to achieve it, knowing that failure to do so could lead to a premature death. The power lies in the decision. Once you tell your brain you want this, your brain will follow your command just as a puppy learns to follow instructions. I've been striving to achieve this for over a year, and I'm moving in the right direction. You can, too.

2. Overcome Your Desire for Sugar

Overcoming your craving for sugar becomes easier every day you wake up in the sleep Blue Zone. A well-rested brain is better equipped to resist the temptation of sugar. Remember, failing to break your addiction to sugar can lead to illness and an early death.

3. Let Go of Negativity in Your Life

Learning to forgive others will add years to your life—not just extra years, but fulfilling ones. You’ll discover the joy of living in bliss. Some of this joy comes from recognizing that those who hurt you are often in a bad place themselves. You don’t have to live in that same negative space. Once you understand that their actions are a plea for help, your attitude toward their negativity will change. To disarm them, take responsibility for your part in the strained interactions. Apologize for any hurt you may have caused, even if it’s unintentional. Forgive yourself first, and then forgive others. Achieving harmony in your relationships will add years of health and prosperity to your life.

A Personal Update

I'm happy to report two nights of amazing sleep. Last night’s sleep score was an excellent 90, and my restfulness score hit 97% for the second night in a row, bumping me out of the sleep danger zone. I will admit that achieving this is no easy feat, but my desire to live long and prosper keeps me motivated.

If you missed the audio version of this philosophy that I live by, order Live Long and Prosper today to avoid making the same mistakes I did. This will help you maximize your life.

Please share this message with your lived ones.  Have a great day!