Saturday, November 30, 2024

Why Castaway Wilson is Blurry

The photo you see here is a sneak preview of what's ahead when "The Adventures of Castaway Wilson" is released on St. Patrick's Day next year.  I'm using a software program my AI editor, Albert, recommended when I sought help to stay out of court.  Wilson's image is protected under copyright laws.  Permission to use his image has been denied despite my lengthy efforts to get approval.  I'm doing the next best thing – distorting Wilson's likeness in every photo I publish.

J.T. Egley, my front cover artist, deserves credit for creating artwork which features a silhouette of Wilson rendering his image fully legal.  J.T.'s creative solution saved the day.  I'm using Canva to put "Blurry Wilson" in witness protection.  That's the way the ball bounces.  Have a great day.  

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