Monday, March 7, 2022

10 Days to Financial Freedom

 The photo you see here may be the last snow of the season.  I've lost track of the number of times I've shoveled my driveway this year.  That's okay.  We survived every storm, just like all the financial storms that struck us since the beginning of married life over 32 years ago.  The highs will be in the 50's ten days from now when we finally say goodbye to our debt dragon, now on life support.  It surprises me how long he thrived in our household due to his high fat diet of assorted debts we accumulated over the years.  He was once larger than Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars who was slayed by a princess in Return of the Jedi.

It really doesn't matter how big the giant in your life may be.  As long as you are willing to fight and you stick to it, you can slay any monster, even he has seven heads and breathes fire from his nostrils.  In our case, we simply starved our debt monster.  There will be no funeral once he passes.  We will celebrate with an Irish wake and cast this monster out of our lives forever.  There are new chapters ahead.  I look forward to looking out our backyard window on St. Patrick's Day knowing that our home no longer belongs to the banks and that we are finally free of all debts.  Come back on March 17 and I will share some more about our journey to financial freedom.  Have a great day.

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