Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Awareness Check

Take a moment right now and give yourself an awareness check.  I've been doing this with greater frequency lately as I'm away from my family and my surroundings are much different.  I'm learning how the small things are so critical.  The more I pay attention to what's going on around me, the better I understand the errors of my ways.  That happy place I seek is actually inside me.  It's not a location.  It's not goal achievement.  It's a choice. 

Once you become aware of what's going on around you, you can make adjustments.  Beware of negative people.  They can really mess with your happiness.  Avoid repetitive bad choices.  Make changes that can get you back on track.

I have a day off today to work on awareness.  I'm going to spend some time reviewing all the blessings in my life.  It's a good day to make some phone calls and thank the people who have supported me along the way.  Have a great day.

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