Sunday, April 8, 2018

Gratitude is Magical

The shards of glass surrounding me and my seven broken ribs were only part of the story the day I crossed the center line on February 5 and got t-boned by an oncoming vehicle.  They were merely an introduction to a brand new life.  I started small with tiny pants resembling our pet chihuahua after a long walk on a steamy day.  The paramedics showed up as fast as a Jimmy Johns driver and carted me off to University of Iowa Hospital where I met one of the best trauma teams in the country.  The pain was excruciating but the pain told me something really important – I was alive.  Broken but alive.

Our youngest son called from overseas the morning after the accident.  The concern in his voice deepened when I could barely speak.  I promised him I would be back on the tennis courts by the time he came home.  Eight weeks later, I delivered on my promise and returned to my favorite pastime before heading home to greet our son.

Gratitude is magical.  I'm thankful to be alive.  I'm grateful our youngest son came home safe after 3 and 1/2 years of service to our country.  I'm thankful for the opportunity to pin the wings on our daughter at her graduation ceremony last week.  I'm appreciative our oldest son is finding a career that matches his talents and interest.  Last but not least, my heart is filled with joy to be married to the love of my life.  I'm so thankful for all the care she gave me during my recovery.  A magical life is one filled up with gratitude.  Have a great day.

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