Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Your 90/10 Holiday Food Survival Guide

Remember that mess you were in on New Year's Day when you looked back at all those Holiday parties and regretted all the food mistakes you made?  Maybe you held everything together really well until the calendar flipped to the last month of the year and then you did it again – you regained all the weight to you fought so hard to release during the year.  Don't panic.  It's not too late to set up preventative measures and close out the year strong.  I call it the 90/10 Holiday Food Survival Guide.  All you need to do is get it right 90% of the time.  Here you go...
  1. Divide everything you eat or drink into two categories – healthy and pleasure-seeking.  
  2. Every time you go for pleasure-seeking, add nine healthy choices to your plate.
  3. Repeat at every party you attend.
I recommend making the 90/10 rule part of your overall food choices.  Consider this idea as a permanent solution to keep your body fit year round.  Have a great day.

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