Monday, August 22, 2016

Life is an Adventure

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Is this day something you're looking forward to or did you notice it's Monday and you want to crawl back under the covers?  Mondays are scary for many Americans.  One story I read over the weekend mentioned early Monday mornings are prime time in America for heart attacks.  I discovered I was one of those people at risk of a heart attack late in August one year ago while on vacation and I decided to decrease my risk factors.  I overhauled my food program and I changed my attitude about life.  Rather than cram all the fun into one annual vacation, I decided to make each day an adventure – even Mondays.

If you or someone you know is at risk of a heart attack because you've lost your way, please don't give up.  It's not too late.  Stay with me.  I'm sharing all the lessons I'm learning about how to turn your life into a series of 24 hour adventures.  Let's work on this together.  Here's the first tip:  make a shopping list for your next visit to the grocery store.  The only items on your list are items without food labels.  Hint:  you can't go wrong if you choose fruits, veggies, nuts, beans and seeds.  In my opinion, if you eat this way from now on, you will have more Mondays (and all other days) than you could have imagined.  Try it.  Enjoy the journey.  Have a great day.

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