There's a reason so many people at my day job are going "Caveman" with their food program in the New Year – it works. From the first lab rat (me) to the most current (Paige), the experiment has helped friends, family members, and co-workers achieve amazing results. I've been tracking my weight digitally since I signed up for my cousin's experiment in late August, 2015. The 34 pound weight loss appears to be permanent. I was surprised when I compared my final weigh-in of the year with the last Saturday of 2015 and the difference was only two ounces! The entire year looks like one giant flat line. It's like being on cruise control. The real shocker was the first 45 days of the experiment. That part of the weight chart looks more like an expert downhill run at a ski slope. I was losing a pound a day until my body found its sweet spot. Now it's smooth sailing into the New Year with a fresh group of volunteers.
If you would like to join the Caveman Food Experiment, come back tomorrow on New Year's Day and I'll connect you with the next group of volunteers. If you're taking any medications, please make sure you consult your physician first. I want you to be fully prepared for that big downhill run ahead and you may encounter a few moguls at the beginning. Some have reported withdrawals from the processed foods. The first week of the experiment is the most challenging, like quitting smoking. There are two possible flat line experiences ahead for you – the one most Americans will encounter because they're eating all the wrong foods leading to heart attacks, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and/or obesity, or a flat line experience like mine from consistently eating like a caveman. Why not make 2017 your best year ever? My hope for you is that you will join our group and make permanent lifestyle changes that shock your friends and family. Thank you, cousin. I know you always try to keep your patients from flat lining when you put them under anesthesia but as your first lab rat in the Caveman Food Experiment I'm hoping to change the definition and make flat lining more fashionable. Have a great day.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
What You Fail to Do
We have a prayer we say at every service in our house of worship. The idea is to reflect on our weaknesses. Most of us concentrate on our transgressions – the things we do that hurt others. The other side of the coin is where weaknesses are identified having to do with the things we fail to do. This is perhaps my biggest area of concern – the things I fail to do. These are the missed opportunities. It's the failure to make an action plan and make a difference in the world.
Is there something you may be overlooking in your life? Are you failing to do something? Think about it for five minutes and decide to concentrate on this during the New Year. Take out a calendar and write 12 ideas on the first day of each month. This will remind to stay focused throughout the year. Have a great day.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Your Area of Influence
We all have a space we occupy. Depending on the talents we were given at birth and the amount of time we invest developing them, our area of influence may appear small or large to others. Size doesn't matter. The people around you are the important ones and they're relying on you for something. I don't know what that something is – it's different for each individual. You already know in your heart what it is. What are you going to do with the space you occupy? Are you ready to make a difference? This is a good time to reflect on your area of influence. Talk is cheap. Just go out and get the job done, the one you're uniquely qualified for. Have a great day.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
It's Decision Time
There it is. Another clean slate. Are you ready? Do you have any idea what your New Year will be like? Everything you've done in past years leading up to today and the New Year ahead are strong indicators of what will happen next. The sad truth is that if you were overweight in past years you will most likely be overweight in the New Year. Sure, you'll hit the gym hard in the first two weeks of the year just like all the previous years, but then it's back in the recliner waiting 11.5 months for the next clean slate.
Don't let my clean slate fool you. It's already filled with 365 of predictable daily rituals I will most likely keep repeating until there's a disturbance in the force and I'm no longer here. Every morning when I wake up I'll check in with two cents worth of thoughts for this blog just after my morning weigh in on my digital scale with Wifi for tracking results. I'll make enough morning smoothies for everyone in the household. I'll park my car far enough away at my day job to get in a brisk run and I'll consistently arrive ten to fifteen minutes prior to my shift. My shoes will be double knotted to prevent any mishaps. I will refuse to let any negative people influence my peace. My lunch will consist of a spinach salad sans the dressing. Depending on what day it is, I will be swimming in the pool while using my triathlon watch to record every second of laps or I will be on the tennis courts with the same regulars from prior years. If people ask why I push myself so hard I will tell them the same thing..."it beats having to deal with heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, being overweight or sitting on a couch all year waiting for another New Year to come along." That's my clean slate story. The reality is that a New Year is filled with 365 days. Decide today you will fill your slate with 365 days of positive behaviors that will make 2017 your breakout year, even if this may seem odd to the people around you. My bet is their slate will always be clean. How about you? Have a great day.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
How to Avoid Going the Wrong Way
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. If you're feeling the heat, it's not too late to avoid going the wrong way. Promises and plans must be put into action or else they're useless. No, this is not a dream. It's not a nightmare. This is your wake up call to get busy and make an action plan for all those good intentions you have.
Last week I experienced the coldest temperatures of my lifetime but the heat was on from the stack of goals simmering on my back burner. I thought about what would happen if I left them unattended in the frying pan and it frightened me. What good is a half-baked solution? Think about what you have inside of you that you can contribute to the world. Make a list. Label it good intentions. Decide which road you're going to pave with these good intentions. If you're still sitting on the couch I'm warning you that you're going the wrong way – even if you're not moving. Acknowledge. Move on. Wink-wink. Have a great day.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Your Goals are Target Practice to Discover Your Destiny
Aim. Set. Fire. Reload. Repeat. The more often you set goals, the more clear your destiny becomes. You don't do this by sitting on the couch watching mindless TV. You accomplish this by dreaming, acting and discovering. Your destiny will find you at the shooting range. The minimum target practice you need is once a year at the the beginning of the year. I prefer setting goals before the calendar flips and then regular target practice monthly. The bigger your dreams, the more target practice you need. Your destiny is worth it. Have a great day.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Merry Christmas
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” ~ Luke 2:8-12
One of the first people I greeted at my day job yesterday morning was an older gentleman with a scraggly beard. "How are you?" he asked.
"I'm awesome," I replied. The response startled him and he probed deeper. "I never hear that," he said. "May I ask why?"
"I'm a believer," I said.
"I'm not," he said. He added that he once sold Christmas trees in his younger years and he remembered how many people came to him at this time of year who were stressed out. I focused on his eyes and listened intently. He told me he was leaving later in the day for a trip to Arizona. I wished him well and told him I look forward to seeing him again in the New Year. He smiled and wished me a Merry Christmas before walking away.
My Christmas wish for you today is that the glory of the Lord shines around you. I bring you good news that will cause joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Merry Christmas. Have a great day.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
One Day to Go
Christmas is one day away. On a one to ten scale, I already know where this one ranks. It's not even close. Yes, this one is a ten. What makes it so special is being surrounded by all of our adult children. I'm going to savor it from start to finish. May you feel the joy of Christmas in your heart and may you be surrounded by loved ones on Christmas day. Have a great day.
Friday, December 23, 2016
How to Catch a Dream
Caught any dreams lately? It's like fishing. You start with the right bait. Each person has their own unique blend. If you try using dreams that belong to others, you won't ever catch anything. Fish for your own dreams and be patient. Don't scare the fish by being loud and obnoxious. Be still. Allow time for your dreams to nibble and once you get a strong bite, use everything in your power to reel 'em in. Believe in yourself and remember this:
You can't catch your dreams if you don't fish. Your destiny lies in the deep seas. Today is a a good day to go fishing. Have a great day.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Why the Road Less Traveled is My Preferred Route
Why do you do the things you do? Do you ever reflect on why you make the choices you make? Are these choices in some kind of familiar pattern that never changes, like planes circling above in the same holding pattern? What would happen if you decided to fly in a different direction?
I'm discovering something amazing about my new life which began nearly five years ago when I departed the West Coast in favor of a small town in the Midwest. My California friends placed bets on when I'd be back. Most had no clue what motivates me. I admit if my path had a road sign it would read: Warning! This road is not for normal people! Turn around, fool!" Here's the discovery: Others around me are curious. They're asking questions about life on the road less traveled. Some are joining me. They aren't paying attention to all the warning signs posted by the status quo. The idea of living debt free and eating processed food free is catching on. One of my closest tennis buddies told me last night he is now twenty pounds lighter because he's modifying his eating habits.
If I could make one recommendation to those interested in the road less traveled, my suggestion is to ignore road signs. Take the first exit of the congested highways and commit to a simple life. Try it. It's not a long shot. It's a safe bet to a better life. Have a great day.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
The Shortest Day of the Year
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Photo credit: Elod Pali / |
It's officially Winter today, although I felt it's presence earlier this month when Mother Nature blasted in some ice cold Siberian air via the North Pole. It's a great day for me because I'm one of those optimists who likes to see the silver lining in every situation and today means I can now look forward to earlier sunrises every morning and later sunsets every evening. Life is a pendulum. It's a series of high tides and low tides. Some may joke they would rather skip the ugly seasons and simply enjoy mild conditions year round. Not me. I see beauty in every season. My senses are awakened by the full spectrum of vivid colors revealed in extreme conditions, like exploring the sand bar in Kino Bay only seen at low tide. There is an awesomeness in the quiet stillness of a morning sunrise fifty degrees below freezing. The sun may appear out of reach when it barely ascends the skies on a day like today but it reminds me change is coming. May you find peace and tranquility on this Winter Solstice day and may your heart be warmed by the sun. Have a great day.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
The Next Step
Parenting instincts never die, even when the last child reaches adulthood. I realized this yesterday when I chatted with one of our daughter's friends, a recent college graduate. "What's the next step?" I asked. She told me she was going to ponder it and get back to me later. I'm always thinking of the next steps. It's a part of my DNA. I know what my next step is – to make sure everyone in my life who is a wife, parent, brother, sister, cousin, son, daughter, neighbor, friend, classmate, co-worker, boss, spiritual advisor, teacher, or any other influence in my life, know one thing – I'm thankful for you. And to the invisible one, the one who sometimes carries me when I have trouble standing on my own two feet and feel uncertain about the next step in my life – the one who I pray others may see if they look past my own weaknesses, I say thank you. Thank you for teaching me your ways. Have a great day.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Mission accomplished. The family is officially reunited and all is well. The sun is shining and the spirit of Christmas is upon us. There's nothing better than family time. I'm keeping today's post short in order to maximize my time with loved ones today. Thank you for keeping our family in your prayers. The last 95 miles to connect with our son were definitely the most challenging. The photo above is from the location where the rollover occurred along I80 about 12 miles from our home. This is the spot where we decided to abort our mission on Monday night and wait for the storm to pass before picking up our son in Des Moines. He was one of the few to make it out of Chicago during the storm. Unfortunately, the interstate was dotted with scenes like this one and many lives are disrupted due to the dangerous conditions and extreme low temperatures. The roads are much better now and we are excited to spend time together. Have a great day.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
It's a Beautiful Morning To Wake Up To
I can see things with a higher degree of clarity this morning. That's what happens after the biggest storm of the year moves out of town leaving behind a fresh blanket of snow partially covering abandoned vehicles that slipped off the frozen interstate in the middle of the night. Thank God I listened to the voice of an angel seated directly behind me who said, "turn around and go home." Today is a new day and I'm thankful to see the most amazing sunrise ever. Yes, it's cold outside – the coldest I've ever witnessed in my life. There's a certain beauty that I really appreciate, especially this morning knowing I have a clean slate. We will be leaving soon to help our son complete the last 95 miles of his journey home. And we will have much to celebrate. Thank you for keeping our son in your prayers. He's safe and we'll be seeing him soon, one day later than expected. Have a great day.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Arctic Blast Expected Today
Do you know what happens when the thermometer dips to -12º and the winds are above 20 mph? The windchill makes it almost impossible to be outside. I'm headed to my day job this morning at sunrise and it will actually feel warm at 18º but that won't last very long. We may seem some new records later today as the biggest storm of the year hits our area. We have a secret weapon to warm our hearts today – a visitor from the east. He's been granted a two week leave to be with family for the Holidays. It appears his prayers for a white Christmas have been granted. Mother Nature loves exclamation marks. I just hope she stops blowing kisses. Have a great day and stay warm.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Another Day Job Coworker Seeks Caveman Help
My friends at my day job don't want to wait for the book to be released on May 1, next year. Word is spreading that the experiment is helping others to reduce weight without going to the gym every day. The latest volunteer for the experiment asked how the program works. I spent ten minutes with her during a break and outlined how it works. This is important for her because her doctors refuse to give her the surgery she needs for a health issue until she loses weight. She tried dieting on her own and this experiment could end up saving her life. I can't wait for her to share her success with her doctors. There is nothing in the caveman food experiment that is unhealthy. In fact, what the experiment reveals is what happens to the human body when one eats what he or she is supposed to eat and what happens when he or she avoids foods that are man-made or processed using artificial ingredients.
I'm looking forward to sharing success stories from friends and family members who gave this food experiment a try. Stay tuned for the rest of the story. Have a great day.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Plant Your New Year Seeds Now
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." ~ Chinese Proverb
Take a few minutes today and count all your blessings from this year. I bet most of them come from seeds you planted in previous years. How are your farming techniques? Now that this year is coming to a close, think about what seeds you want to plant today and cultivate in 2017. Dream big. The more seeds you plant today, the better your chances for an abundant harvest next season.
I would like to thank all the people in my life who helped me with some great tips. I promise to pay these ideas forward with others so they too can have better lives. Have a great day.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Are You Acting Your Age?
I don't have a full grasp yet of how you're supposed to behave when you're in your mid-fifties. The one thing I do know is your age shouldn't be defined by unwise choices. I know too many people in my age group who are no longer active because of health issues. They are acting the age of your typical American. It's not too late to knock it off. I'm referring to the extra pounds around your waistline. Or that sedentary lifestyle. When was the last time you treated your body to a real workout? For those of you who are blaming the weather on your cancelled workouts, please stop making excuses. I admit it's harder to stick to an exercise program when it's below freezing outside but it's not impossible. Go for it. I challenge you to change your ways. Have a great day.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
-40º Wind Chill Ahead – Yikes!
This weekend will be a record breaker. Expected windchill will drop to -40º by Saturday. One of my California friends posted this picture recently...
My favorite part of life has nothing to do with watching. For me, it's all about doing. I love a good challenge. -40º happens to be five degrees more interesting than my previous record. This is where character is refined. It's where you discover what you're made of. I signed up for this. I already know one thing – this is going to be my best Christmas ever. Have a great day.
My favorite part of life has nothing to do with watching. For me, it's all about doing. I love a good challenge. -40º happens to be five degrees more interesting than my previous record. This is where character is refined. It's where you discover what you're made of. I signed up for this. I already know one thing – this is going to be my best Christmas ever. Have a great day.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Today is a Good Day to Make Repairs
Is there anything broken in your life? A relationship? Your heart? A promise you made? Make a list. Check it twice. And get busy. Yes, I know – the Holidays are here and you have a full plate. It doesn't get any easier. That's why today is a great day to fix all things broken. I'm going to do my best today to fine tune my attitude. It's especially important this time of year to be prepared for icy road conditions and bah-humbug types who have nothing better to do than complain. Be prepared. They may be unwilling to change their ways but it's not too late for you. Be diligent about your repairs. Have a great day.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Turn the Light On
Winston Churchill once said, "if you're going through hell, keep going." Sometimes that's not easy. The one thing that gives me hope when I'm in a dark place is seeing a light. Without naming names, I would like to share how I survived the darkness. Yes, it came from loving people around me who were willing to turn on the light switch. I saw the light of Jesus shining from within these people and they gave me a sense of hope to keep going.
Be the light today. Turn on your light switch. Thank you to the people in my life who did this for me. Have a great day.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Caveman Tips For Holiday Joy
Mrs. Caveman and I are enjoying another amazing family day today. We've already opened most of our Christmas gifts to each other...unfailing love, continuous encouragement, positive affirmations, cuddling and quality time together. It doesn't matter how cold it is outside. The temperature inside is warm and inviting. We both like to keep things simple – like spending time together in front of our fireplace while the music of Christmas fills up our spirits. Our greatest joy will be spending Christmas day with all three of our adult children.
If you're having trouble finding your Holiday joy this year, consider simplifying your life. Go primitive. What I mean by that is turning off the TV, cutting down your schedule and going back to that time in your life when you appreciated the real reason for the season – Jesus. Ponder how the Holy Family spent their first Christmas together in a tiny manger. It doesn't get more primitive than that. And that's when everything changed. Jesus is the best gift we can ask for. Invite Him into your heart right now and you will have the best Christmas ever. Have a great day.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Can Weight Loss Be Permanent?
My thirty something pound weight loss from over one year ago appears to be long-term. I'm betting it will last a lifetime. The irony here is that I didn't enter the food experiment to lose weight. It was set up to see if I could reduce my blood pressure without medication. So far so good. Real good. No more high blood pressure readings or out of control cholesterol issues either. The bonus of sustained weight loss comes from keeping my food choices simple. I simply refuse to eat foods with labels on the package. Those fancy ingredients I can't pronounce are probably what wreaked havoc inside my body.
If you're considering making changes to your food program, here are some ideas that I believe will lead to permanent weight loss:
- Skip processed foods.
- Avoid any foods with a label on the package.
- Load your grocery cart with mostly fruits, veggies, nuts, beans and seeds.
- Skip the dairy aisle.
- Stop eating bread.
- Keep your red meat servings to 8 ounces or less.
- Replace your beer with one or two glasses of red or white wine per day.
- Exercise 3x per week for thirty minutes.
- Invest in a high speed blender for morning smoothies packed with celery, spinach, avocado and your favorite fruits.
- Minimize outside dining. If you must eat out, stay away from the free chips they serve as appetizers and skip the bread.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Do Something
It's easy to criticize. Blaming others seems to be the mantra of our modern times. The challenge is to recognize what we can do to make a difference. Do you believe you can do something today to make this world a better place? Check out the YouTube video below by Matthew West for some inspiration and become a part of the solution. Have a great day.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Bone-chilling Weather Arrives Today
It's 17º outside this morning and the weather is expected to get even colder. I'm ready. It's all about the layers and the attitude. What works best for me is planning my daily routine in advance so I have a plan to stick to when Mother Nature is giving me the cold shoulder. I'm thankful for indoor tennis courts and an indoor swimming pool. It's also a great time of year to refine my indoor cooking skills. May your day filled with cheer no matter what Mother Nature may be doing in your neighborhood. Have a great day.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Quote of the Day from Einstein
How well do you know yourself? I admit I have trouble looking in the mirror sometimes, especially on days when I'm dealing with a challenge. Adversity is that pesky mosquito who won't leave you alone. He's the debt collector who calls you day and night when your funds are in the red zone. Adversity is the maitre d' who seats you at a hole in the wall restaurant where everything on the menu appears out of reach because your boss handed you a pink slip.
I know adversity very well. I'm thankful for the opportunity to become acquainted. It didn't start out that way, maybe because I wasn't fully prepared to explore the depths of my heart. I am who I am today because of what adversity taught me. Don't be afraid to answer the door if adversity comes knocking. Have a great day.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Are You Real, Jesus?
My sister asked me to watch a five year-old video about the Shroud of Turin. Many believe this is the the burial garment discovered in the empty tomb by Peter and John, followers of Jesus. There are actually two parts to the garment, the Shroud– used to wrap the body, and the Sudarium for the head. After watching the video, I traced the whereabouts of the Sudarium to Oveido, Spain. The location seemed mysteriously close to the place where Braña 1 was excavated. This is the 7,000 year-old skeleton found by hikers and he happens to be the inspiration for my front cover of The Caveman in the Mirror. I did a mapquest search and was shocked to learn just how close these two locations are – 54 miles! Call me crazy but these two characters have been haunting me for ages. Every day these two are becoming more real for me. Outsiders may get a sense I'm losing my marbles. So, here's the question of the day: Are you real, Jesus?
Before you answer the question, do me a favor and put aside all your thoughts and ideas about religion. Set aside 52 minutes and watch the video my sister sent me. When you're done, we can discuss the question of the day. It doesn't matter to me what side of the fence you're on. I'm okay if you're skeptical. Perhaps my crazy dreams are meant for you to discover something hidden away from all the "normal" people. Here's the link to the video. Enjoy...Click here.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Let it Snow
We're having our first snow of the season this morning, just in time for Christmas. Now it truly feels like the Holidays are here. The outside temperature is holding steady at 32º but it will be dropping fast as the new week unfolds. I'm ready. Friends and family members have been sending me their favorite healthy recipe ideas and I'm testing them in my caveman kitchen. One of my readers suggested I share my favorite recipes in my next book. If you have any food tips to share, please email me and I'll do my best to include them. Have a great day.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Braña 1 Ancestor Update
Braña 1 is the name given to the 7,000 year-old blue-eyed, dark skinned caveman found in Northern Spain by hikers. He's from the hunter-gatherer time period. The story has personal significance for me because I learned earlier this week that the town of Rubalcaba is only a stone's throw from the excavation site where Braña 1 was discovered. This is where my ancestors on my mother's side of the family once lived, possibly alongside Braña 1 and his brother, Braña 2. Scientists are still analyzing the DNA, the oldest recoverable ever for modern man.
Related or not, Braña 1 is a part of me. He first appeared to me in a dream while I was writing my first novel. I searched the internet for a picture resembling the image haunting me and found my match in Braña 1. He is the artist rendition created from the skull of the ancient caveman. We are forever linked. I'm just waiting to know if Braña 1 was left-handed. We appear to have much in common. That's my caveman update for the day. Have a great day.
Friday, December 2, 2016
Please Cue the Twilight Zone Music
This is a follow-up to yesterday's story about my ancestors on my Mom's side of the family from Northern Spain. Last year I visited my cousin Mary, the oldest member of our generation, and she told me about an upcoming family vacation she was taking in Europe. One of my relatives told her there was a town in Spain named after our ancestors and asked if Mary might be able to check it out. That's a needle in a haystack. Mary found the needle on the map but she and her husband had a full itinerary and opted not to do a drive by. They hit a detour while driving through the country and came upon a road sign indicating Rubalcaba was just minutes away. They snapped pictures. Here's where the story gets interesting. Please cue the Twilight Zone music...
I had a very clear picture in my head about what the main character from The Caveman in the Mirror was supposed to look like. It was so clear that the image was haunting me every night in my dreams. I scoured the internet for an image of a dark-skinned, blue-eyed scraggly man who was supposed to be a distant relative. I found him. Click here for a link to the story about the 7,000 year-old caveman they excavated in Northern Spain. Here's the kicker – the excavation site is only 149 miles away from Rubalcaba! This caveman is very special. The DNA extracted from his molar is the oldest ever to be recovered. I'm stunned by this revelation. I'll write more about this in future posts. Have a great day.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
The Cross of Rubalcaba
I would like to thank my cousin Mary from my dad's side of the family for sharing her vacation photos related to my ancestors on my mom's side of the family. The photo above was shot during an unscheduled stop while Mary and her family were traversing the country side in Northern Spain. She joked that her detour was God's way of planning her trip to Rubalcaba, a tiny town with a population of about 2,300. A sign at the entrance to the town reads, "Cruz de Rubalcaba," meaning "Cross of Rubalcaba." This is very personal for me because my faith can be traced back to this place. I recall my grandmother's never-ending prayers for all of us to be under God's protection. It all goes back to the cross. This is my daily reminder of what's really important. Thank you, cousin Mary, for thinking of us on the Rubalcaba side of the family. What a wonderful Christmas present you have given us.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Holiday Cheer
Are you having trouble finding your Holiday cheer today? This is a good day to take a look at what's stopping you. There's still plenty of time to get in the mood. I know first-hand how challenging it can be to erase a painful memory or to deal with personal situations. Remember who you are – a reflection of the Creator of the universe. He sent his only Son into the world to turn things around for all of us. Reflect on that for a moment. It makes everything else seem trivial. The Holiday cheer is all about getting in the mood to celebrate the biggest birthday of all times. You are invited to share in the celebration. My prayer for you today is that you bury your past, stop worrying about your future and have some Holiday cheer today and all the days of your life. Today is your day. Savor it. Cheers!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Holiday Spirit
Remain calm and breathe. Your calendar is full and you're wondering how you're going to survive this hectic time of year. I have a thought for you today. Consider it your solution for dealing with all the stress that comes with Black Friday, Cyber Monday and all the other man-made marketing ploys designed to cause hyper activity in the malls. Just close your eyes and dwell on what this time of year is really all about – the Spirit of Christmas. That's right. It's the Holiday Spirit. It's about giving. Spend some time with a friend who needs comforting. Stay away from the malls. Slow down. May the Holiday Spirit be with you today and remain with you throughout the New Year ahead. Have a great day.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Joyful Expectation
Take a look around you. Soak it all in. This is the season of joyful expectation. I can't think of anything more joyful than celebrating the birth of our Savior. Forget about the traffic. Don't fret about the long lines. Remember the reason for the season. Have a great day.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
It's Personal
I live in a mental state I call the blue zone of happiness. It's some sort of invisible bubble no one else can see. There's a thermostat to control my overall mood. Although occasional hackers attempt to override the climate control buttons, I've been able to remain happy in all circumstances.
One of my high school classmates posted a FB message yesterday thanking friends and family for caring about him during his time in the hospital while he was undergoing quadruple bypass heart surgery. I had no clue he was ill. I also had no clue my blue zone of happiness was on the same collision course as my buddy from Snora's Spanish class at SHS. Happiness cannot exist when you're six feet under.
I'm happy to share my life here on this blog. I promise not to intrude on others who may choose to live in the red zone. For those seeking alternatives, you're welcome to connect with me. Like many others from the high school class of '78, my hope is that our loved ones can plug into something potentially helpful to themselves. It's personal. Have a great day.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Are you at risk for heart disease?
Every 42 seconds someone in America is having a heart attack. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women. Are you at risk? Someone I know barely made it out of the hospital alive. His wife told me two arteries in his heart were 100% blocked and a third artery was 75% blocked. He was totally unaware he was sick. Young people are not exempt from heart disease. I read a story about how 75% of heart attacks in young people could be prevented by lifestyle choices.
Ask yourself what lifestyle changes you can make to minimize your risk for heart disease. Be proactive. I'll be sharing more about my personal story on May 1 when I release my next book. Have a great day.
Friday, November 25, 2016
This is My Wish
It's a simple request but it's also complicated. The complicated part has to do with the dark side within us. How can there be peace on earth if we can't even have peace inside our own heads? My hope is in the one who will come. For many it will be a first appearance. For others it will be an encore much greater than the one shepherds witnessed 2,000 years ago in an unexpected place.
Black Friday is nothing more than a feeble attempt to fill a void only Jesus can satisfy. Yesterday we were thankful. Today we're elbowing strangers to be the first one in line to get more stuff we really don't need. What happened to the peace? Thirty days. That's all we have to get ready. It's not about more stuff. It's about peace. This is my wish. Are you with me? Have a great day.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving
Today is a great day to count your blessings. Savor it. See the good in all the people seated around you today at the table. Remember those far off serving our country. Keep the lost and the fallen in your prayers. Let go of all your grudges. May this be your best Thanksgiving ever. Happy Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
The Layers of Serenity
I'm a big fan of the serenity prayer. On the surface it seems really simple. It goes like this...
- God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
- Courage to change the things I can,
- And wisdom to know the difference.
Simple, right? There's a catch. You're giving a shout out to the Creator of the universe with a request and you're tapping into God's divine nature every time you pray this prayer. The potential here is unlimited. The layers of serenity are infinite. The deeper you go, the more peace you will have in your life.
The biggest lesson I discovered is that with God, the things that can be changed increase exponentially. Courage flows through your veins and gives you the surge of energy you need to make changes. Your wisdom will confuse the Enemy attempting to disrupt God's plans for your life. This is what happens when you make the serenity prayer a part of your daily life. Have a great day.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Your 90/10 Holiday Food Survival Guide
Remember that mess you were in on New Year's Day when you looked back at all those Holiday parties and regretted all the food mistakes you made? Maybe you held everything together really well until the calendar flipped to the last month of the year and then you did it again – you regained all the weight to you fought so hard to release during the year. Don't panic. It's not too late to set up preventative measures and close out the year strong. I call it the 90/10 Holiday Food Survival Guide. All you need to do is get it right 90% of the time. Here you go...
- Divide everything you eat or drink into two categories – healthy and pleasure-seeking.
- Every time you go for pleasure-seeking, add nine healthy choices to your plate.
- Repeat at every party you attend.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Flintstone Car Choices Provide Financial Independence
Fred Flintstone kept things simple. Like me, he enjoyed the primitive versions of our modern conveniences without the excessive price tags. I'm typing today's blog story while sitting in a used recliner I found in the attic of a furniture store when I moved to Iowa. Mrs. Caveman and I picked up a pair for $75 each. The couch was barely out of the plastic when someone decided to return it because the color wasn't right. I about fell over when the salesperson told us he could let it go for $150. When he saw our teeny tiny Flintstone car he offered to deliver the furniture for free in the company truck. Four-and-a-half years later we're still enjoying our vintage vehicles and our used furniture. There's a reason we live this way – financial independence.
Mrs. Caveman is narrowing her choices for a replacement automobile. The only thing she's firm on is the method of payment. Her next automobile will be at least 50% depreciated and there won't be any monthly car payments attached to the price tag. I know one thing for sure – when she's reclining in her car seat she will have a big smile on her face. Have a great day.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Why the Final Review of the Day is Important
Sorry for the late post today. It was the final review of the day that saved me. My day started with an early morning three hour appointment to get my satellite TV service restored and I got out of my routine. The rest of the day was family time. My 2,645 consecutive days of blogging nearly ended. That's why the final review of the day is important. It's your last chance to correct anything missing from your day. My checklist is complete now. I'll be back tomorrow at 8:08 AM. Have a great day.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Give Thanks in all Circumstances
It's easy to be thankful for all the good things in your life. What about the challenges? I'm currently reviewing the tough situations I faced during this last year in order to set up an improved game plan for 2017 and something odd strikes me – those times when I found myself losing traction are actually the times when I learned an important lesson in order to power forward. I believe getting stuck in the mud can be helpful. That's why I give thanks in all circumstances. I'm especially thankful for all the lessons I learned this year.
Take a moment today and review the last eleven months of your life. Are you thankful for each day? What lessons did you learn? What will you do differently in the coming year? Have a great day.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Take Charge of Your Interest
Why is it that you're turning over part of your hard-earned paycheck to your bank every month? I'm talking about that extra fee the banks charge on their money. They use a clever word that sounds sexy but it's really anything but sexy. I despise the use of the word interest. Why not call it "puke"? That's right – puke. That's how you should feel every time you imagine what these bank fees are doing to disrupt your debt free life. Perhaps if you get a sick feeling in your stomach every time you look at the puke, maybe you will take charge of your interest. You have the power to become your own bank.
It's no fun being sick. If you want to get financially healthy, minimize the puke. Stop reading all those marketing invitations to add more puke. It may look like zero puke in the initial offer but it multiplies like deadly bacteria as soon as you get sucked in. Attack the puke now. Immunize yourself against future puke. You can do this. Have a great day.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
3 Choices
You have three choices every time you face a tough situation – give up, give in, or give it your all. I find giving it your all works best, although it requires nonstop intensity. Surround yourself with people who support your efforts. Give it your all in all you do. Make it your lifestyle. Have a great day.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Go the Distance
What comes to you mind when you think about areas of your life where the finish line seems elusive? I think the quote above sums up what the real challenge is. There are times when I doubt I'm on the best course. I wonder if I should have done things differently. What helps me keep going is knowing I'm making the best decisions with the information available at the time. Are there mistakes? Yes. Can they be corrected? Yes. Can I go the distance? Absolutely. Am I committed? 100%. Let's promise one another we will not lose sight of the finish line and let's stay loyal to what we said we were going to do long after the mood we said it in has left us. Deal? Have a great day.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Thank You, Friends and Family
I returned from the outer limits of my comfort zone last night. It felt like being on top of a high mountain where the oxygen is low and the altitude makes you dizzy, even a bit queasy. I admit it was a scary place. The truth is I would go there again in a heartbeat if that's what it takes to stand up to the dark forces in our world.
All I can say today is thank you, friends and family, for all your prayers. Today I will concentrate on regaining my footing. You mean the world to me. I am blessed. Have a great day.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Caution, Comfort Zone Ends Here
How far have you ventured outside your comfort zone? How did it feel? Would you go there again? What lessons did you learn? I can't share the details of my own adventures because of confidentiality promises, but I can offer my general opinion. It's scary. It requires boldness. I'm in new territory today. The only way I can handle this is knowing I'm not alone. Jesus is my friend and my companion. I need Jesus today more than ever. My prayer for you is that you don't turn around when you reach the end of your comfort zone. Your destiny is near. Have a great day.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Longevity Quote of the Day
My surgeon thought I was joking when I asked him if the mesh he was using to repair my groin hernia would last another 40 years so I could compete in the Men's 90 doubles national championships with my cousin, the one who eliminated my chronic health issues. "I'm serious," I told him. He smiled and nodded affirmatively.
Life is simply making daily corrections and necessary adjustments to reach long term goals. Longevity is important. Take care of the impediments. They come in many flavors – poor nutrition, excessive debt, lack of exercise, unhealthy relationships and a sense of helplessness. May you live long and prosper. Have a great day.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
More Good News From Paige
Her high school jeans she's wearing in the picture above no longer fit. That's what happens when you lose 18.8 pounds. I would like to thank Paige for giving the Caveman Food Experiment a try and for sharing her story with so many others who are inspired by results. Paige told me her boss approached her wanting to know why see seemed to be so happy and bubbly. "He noticed," she said with a tooth paste commercial smile. I couldn't be happier for her. Her 45 day experiment may be over but this is just the beginning of a whole new life for Paige and for the people around her willing to follow her amazing example. Stay tuned for more details. I'll share more on May 1, 2017. Have a great day.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Happy Veterans Day
Let's hear it for our Veterans. Today is their day. May they know how much we appreciate all the sacrifices they made so we can live in freedom. God bless our veterans and all who serve our country. Have a great day.
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