Monday, August 5, 2013

How's Your Credibility?

The truth.  The whole truth.  Nothing but the truth.  That's what credibility means to me.  Truth is the essence of quality relationships.  It's about saying what you mean.  It's about delivering on the promises you make.

Here are some examples about credibility from my day job:
  1. Number of absences since day 1:  0.
  2. Number of tardies since day 1:  0.
And a few more examples from my blog writing:
  1. Number of days missed since day 1 on August 29, 2009:  0.
  2. Number of tardies:  less than 5, all due to power outages, computer glitches, or human error.
  3. Number of times I failed to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:  0.
I like to keep things simple.  The One I follow has been around since the beginning of time.  He arrived late one time and someone close to Him died.  The world thought He was late, however, the One who sent Him asked Him to delay His arrival for a specific reason:  to establish credibility about who He is.  Raising people from the dead adds credibility to what you say.  Conquering death is the exclamation mark.

I do my best every day to imitate the One I follow.  His credentials are impeccable.  He is the epitome of credibility.  He can help you with your credibility if you invite Him to live in your heart today.  Don't worry about your past.  You can start with a clean slate today.  Promise yourself you will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  If you would like to add to the conversation, please click the comment button below.

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