Friday, July 26, 2013

Sand Castles in Cyberspace

The first time I built a sand castle was during summer vacation in San Diego with my cousins.  We scooped up wet sand and let it dribble from our fingers to form four-inch spikes on top of our creations, like adding frosting to a cake.  We spent hours on our designs and then waited for the tide to come in and wash everything away.

Forty years later I'm still building sand castles every day.  The landscaping has changed and the nearest beach is four states away.  I don't need sand to play in my cyber-sandbox.  My playmates extend beyond the Great Barrier Reef.  My stories are translated into all the major languages of the world.  And readers ask, "how did you learn how to build a blog or write a novel?"

It all comes down to one simple thing, setting aside time every day to play in my cyber-sandbox.  It doesn't matter to me how many people view my stories before they wash away when the tide comes in.  What matters is that I develop my own unique gifts and publish them daily.

What sand castles are you building in your life?  How do you make time to develop your talents?  How do you stay motivated?  Thanks for leaving your comments below.  Please join me on the cyber-beach daily at 8:08 AM, Pacific Time.  You can subscribe by email if you would like my sand castles to be sent directly to your mailbox.  See you tomorrow.

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