Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Who Do You Trust?

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. ~ Isaiah 40:31

There's a reason why I like prophets so much, particularly Isaiah, a man who advised kings in the 8th-century BC.  They were willing to put their lives on the line every time they made a prediction.  Imagine what are world would look like if everyone who made a false prediction was put to death.  Here are some examples...

  1. The weather channel would cease to exist.  That's right.  Your favorite meteorologist might get it right one hundred times in a row.  As soon as the snow day arrived on the wrong day, it would be time for a new weather anchor.  College students would change their majors and get out of the weather business.  There would be no one to willing to take a chance on predicting the weather.
  2. The legislative and executive branches of government would disappear.  Only the judges would be left since they do not make promises that don't come true, they only judge.  Washington D.C. would be nearly empty.
  3. No more palm readers or tarot card readers.  All it takes is one bad reading to get the axe.
  4. Satan would have to close up shop.  He is cunning at telling half-truths to win people over to the dark side.  He is even willing to tell 99% of the truth.  That doesn't cut it.  True prophets must be 100% accurate in order to keep their jobs.
  5. The population would decrease by one billion in the first thirty days.  The rest of the world would get out of the prediction business.
Take a look at the quote at the top of today's story.  It was written by a guy who wrote so eloquently about the future that it appeared as if he was reporting on events that already happened. He was in the prophecy business for about six decades without a single mistake.  He trusted his source with his life.

How about you? Do you have any trust issues?


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