Friday, February 22, 2013

Walking the Tightrope

The last time I walked a tightrope was on vacation many years ago at a christian camp.  I was with a buddy who was afraid of heights.  We had two courses to choose from, the low ropes just a few feet above the ground or the high ropes about twenty-five feet up in the air.  I deferred to my buddy and he picked the high ropes.  Things went pretty well until we reached the final segment comprised of two tightropes about shoulder length apart.  Above our heads was a single tightrope we attached our safety harnesses to in case we fell.  Our guide offered no instructions except to tell us we were not allowed to hold on to the rope above our heads.  After several failed attempts to advance and a few falls, we discovered a method that worked.  I put one foot on each rope and walked backwards while holding on to my partner's shoulders.  He also placed one foot on each rope and his hands on my shoulders.  Inch-by-inch, we walked that tightrope.

I'm reminded daily that my life is playing out on the high ropes course.  Many situations offer no specific instructions.  In order to reach my goals, I must challenge myself to find a way across the tightrope, no matter how impossible it may appear.  Here are three suggestions for finding your way when you are walking the tightrope:
  1. Find a partner.  You aren't supposed to go through life all by yourself.  Sometimes, you need a shoulder to lean on.  Other times, your partner needs your shoulder.
  2. Balance your weight.  If you spend too much time in one area of your life, that means you are neglecting something else that needs your attention.
  3. Slow down.  You need to master crawling before you learn to walk and run.  If you find yourself falling too often, go back to the basics.
I would like to give a shout out to the people in my life who encourage me to stay on the high ropes course.  Don't worry, I won't mention your names here.  You know who you are and I'm thankful you're in my life, even if we may be separated by geography.  This book I'm writing is kicking my butt right now and I feel like my forward progress on same days is only a few inches.  Thanks for being there.


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