Wednesday, February 20, 2013

An Ounce of Discipline a Day

What is the most difficult challenge you are facing in your life today?  Do you have a plan to overcome it?  How long will it remain with you until you defeat it?  There was a time in my life when these questions annoyed me because I didn't have the right tools.  The remedy is so small that most people aren't willing to give it a try because they don't believe it will work.  Why not try one ounce of discipline a day?  Here are some examples of the one ounce solution:
  1. Weight Loss.  Do something today that will eliminate one ounce of body fat.  Make sure you are using a scale that measures to the ounce. You have two choices to shed one ounce.  You can either increase your physical activity or you can make a small change about what you eat today.  The ounce of discipline has to do with repeating this step every day until you reach your desired goal.  When sixteen ounces are added up, you get one pound.  If you want to lose ten pounds, multiply ten pounds by 16 to get the number of days needed at one ounce per day to reach the goal.  That means 160 days from today you will be ten pounds lighter as long as you keep your one ounce of discipline in your life.
  2. Run a 10k race.  The first step is to find out how many steps you walk in a day.  You will need a pedometer for this.  When you are ready to start your day, attach your pedometer and count your steps.  The ounce of discipline comes from making a decision to add two hundred more steps to tomorrow's total.  If you are averaging 2,000 steps a day, you are already walking a mile.  Add 200 steps per day and you will add 1/10 of a mile.  In ten days, you will be at 4,000 steps per day. When you reach 12,400 steps per day (2,000 steps in a mile x 6.2 miles), you are walking a 10k every day.  Put on your running shoes and take a walk through the park.  Alternate running and walking until you feel comfortable running exclusively.  Now it's time to enter your first 10k race.
  3. Write a book.  The average number of words in a book is 64,000.  Decide today you will write 175 words.  To give you an idea how easy 175 words is, today's blog weighs over two ounces.  Repeat this every day for 365 days.  Your ounce of discipline each day will add up to 64,000 words one year from today, enough to self-publish your own story.
There is an added benefit to adding one ounce of discipline to your routine.  By improving one area of your life, the other areas also improve.  I don't know how this works.  Maybe it comes from the confidence you gain from conquering the biggest giants in your life.  If anyone asks your secret to your success, you can tell them it comes from an ounce of discipline a day.  How will you use your ounce today?  Your comments are welcome below.


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