Saturday, January 26, 2013

How To Repair a Broken Relationship

It was a sad moment at the Australian Open earlier this week.  Wilson was beat up and humiliated in front of the whole world and then thrown to the ground.  His wounds are irreparable and his life is over.  Even though he is only an inanimate object incapable of expressing his emotions, he knows first-hand how difficult it is when a relationship goes down under.  Here are some ideas to repair a broken relationship before it's too late:
  1. Express yourself.  It doesn't help when you bottle up your thoughts.  If you're in a high-strung relationship, this is especially important.  Communication can heal old wounds.
  2. Stop blaming others for your troubles.  You are the one serving up double faults and failing to put the ball in play.  Innocent loved ones don't know how to handle your antics.  Leave your anger on the sidelines and promise to keep the rally going with consistent strokes of love and kindness.
  3. Stop treating your loved ones like opponents and learn to play doubles.  The game of life has enough adversaries.  When you start treating your loved ones like partners and you learn how to move together in harmony, you will no longer feel alone on the court.  You will also save a lot of money replacing tennis rackets.
The tennis pros you watch on TV change their tennis rackets as often as you and I change our socks.  The three Wilson rackets I carry in my bag are more precious than that and I plan to keep them with me for the rest of my life.  They are there to remind me of the people who gave them to me and to remind me how valuable my relationships are.  The best way to repair a broken relationship is to avoid breaking it.  Stay close to the Wilsons in your life and treat them like gold.


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