Friday, January 18, 2013

How To Beat Mañana At Her Own Game

 Today's story is dedicated to my high school Spanish teacher, "Snora."

Mañana comes from a large family.  Her siblings are Procrastination, Lethargy, Dawdle, the Diddle Daddle twins, triplets Traipse, Trifle and Trudge, and the baby, Linger.  Mañana is the eldest and thinks she is the coolest because she has that wavey thing above the first n in her name.  When she is at the dinner table and her parents ask who will do the chores and when will they get done, everyone shouts, "Mañana." The definition of mañana is tomorrow or an unspecified time.

Mañana's parents are in a bit of a pickle.  Nothing ever gets done.  This family has a way of creeping into my life and messing with my schedule.  Have they ever showed up on your front door unannounced and uninvited?  If so, I have a solution.  The next time Mañana and her family asks to hang around, send them to my next-door neighbor, Mr. Mismo.  He is a little on the shy side and he speaks broken English.  Once you get to know him, you can call him by his first name, Hoy.  Hoy Mismo knows exactly how to pin down Mañana and her siblings.  His name translated in English means do it right now.  I resolve to spend more time with Hoy Mismo and follow his example.

Mañana has met her match at last.  The next time Mañana's parents ask when the chores are going to get done, all the kids will shout, "¡Hoy Mismo!"  His upside exclamation mark trumps Mañana's little tilde any day, especially today.  And that, my friends, is how you beat Mañana at her own game. ¡Olé!


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