Monday, January 14, 2013

Did You Fill Your Tank With Grace?

Grace: unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.

It's free.  All you have to do is drive up to the pump and ask for it.  Filling stations are strategically located all over the world.  No matter how isolated you feel or how far away you are from populated areas, grace is available when you need it.

Grace is not something you deserve or are entitled to.  Grace cannot be bartered.  Although there is an unlimited supply of high-octane grace, many choose not to accept it.  Here are three methods for obtaining grace:
  1. Directly from the source.  God hears your prayers.  He will fill your tank with grace and you will never run on fumes again.
  2. Angels.  They are your silent cheerleaders.  They want to help you find the path to God.  When evil attacks, they intervene, shooting grace from their trumpets and wielding double-edged swords of truth and justice.  They are God's messengers.
  3. People who follow God.  Their lives changed the moment they received God's grace.  They are living examples of what happens when you ask for grace.  They can teach you how to pray for grace.  
It is by God's grace that I have been able to re-connect with relatives I did not know existed until recently.  And my long-lost cousin shared a family story about one of our ancestors who was fighting for our country in a far-off land.  He and his buddies ran out of bullets.  He felt like the end was near.  He prayed from his foxhole.  Suddenly, a vertical tower of bullet-proof glass appeared.  For three days, enemy weapons were unable to penetrate the shield.  When re-enforcements finally arrived, they were stunned by what they witnessed... God's grace. 

If you are an individual who is from category three above and have a story to share about grace, please share in the comments section below.  Your comment may inspire another reader to fill up his or her tank today with God's grace.  I apologize for asking you to register before you can place a comment.  There has been a barrage of spam and I set up a firewall to filter it out.  Thank you for taking the time to share your comments.


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