Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Finishing The Race

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. ~ 2 Timothy 4:7

The Bible verse above was read at my father's funeral.  In the marathon of Dad's life, it was the last mile that proved to be the most daunting.  The Gospel writer, Paul, faced similar circumstances when he wrote his final letter to Timothy.

Paul knew his days were numbered.  His captors dug a hole in the ground and lowered him into it.  He had no sanitation or warm clothes.  His guards made fun of him while he was forced to walk around in his own feces.  How can a man who is being tortured write such beautiful letters of encouragement to others?

My father struggled to stand upright and walk his final mile.  The cancer spread to his vital organs causing him much pain.  He focused his eyes on the finish line and bravely moved toward it, albeit a snail's pace.

Most of us have no idea how close we are to our own finish line.  I admit there are days when I really don't feel like being in the race.  There are thoughts popping into my head I would rather avoid writing about.  It's on those days I think of Paul and my dad, both writers who left something behind to inspire others.  I think about you, the one searching for something positive to help you on your journey.  You are the reason I stay in the race.  My job in this world is to help you with your fight, to encourage you to finish the race, to help you cling to your faith, no matter how difficult the journey.

I see you on the ground as I write this final paragraph.  Your knees are bruised and your body dehydrated.  This blog is like a bottle of drinking water sent to you by the Holy Spirit.  Take a drink and take my hand.  Let's cross the finish line together.  I promise you this, no matter how difficult the journey, I will write to you daily and be there for you until the race is over.  Jesus is waiting at the finish line.  Let's follow His trail.  Carpe Diem.

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