Thursday, December 30, 2010

500 Days of Blogging

If you had asked me five hundred days ago, "Mike, what will your blog be like in the future?" My answer would have been vague. I knew God was prompting me to write on that first Saturday with no work duty.  I proceeded to write, one day at a time, one message at a time.    Some messages came to me easily, like flashes of light.  Others were painful, they forced me to look at past memories that I attempted to bury most of my adult life.  Gradually, the process of writing has become more natural for me.

Five hundred days ago, I had no awareness about this Christian Writers Critique Group that has become my backbone, my writing family.  I did not know about Createspace, a company that is now part of  I had no idea I would be reporting 9,000 page views or close to 5,000 visitors since this blog was first launched just sixteen months ago.  Publishers begin to notice writers when they have 10,000 visitors and this site is accelerating thanks to those who are sharing this blog with their friends.  This whole experience is like being in some sort of dream state.

There is only one thing that has always been very clear in my mind.  It's YOU!  Everything that I do is for you.  My job is to help you find your connection to HIM, your Creator.  You are so valuable to Him.  He wants you to be with Him for all eternity.  Your own free will is a gift from Him.  He is there every day.  He reaches out to you through nature and through others.  I often wonder why He picked me to do this particular job, mainly because there are so many others in this world that are actually qualified to do what I do every day.  Perhaps it is because I lack so many qualifications that He chose me.  You can see that I am pretty much transparent.  This makes it easier for His light to shine through me.  His thoughts become my thoughts, His visions become my vision, His love for you becomes my love for you.  His will becomes my will.  All that you see here on this blog and in my books come from Him.

As for the future, everything is in His hands.  He will keep using me every day to reach you and others like you that maybe feel separated from Him.  I will continue to write for you until He returns or until it is my time to go Him.  There is nothing in this world that is more important to Him than YOU.  He sent His only begotten Son to die for YOU.  Think about that the next time you are stuck in traffic or your day is less than perfect.

I thank God for YOU every day.  You are the reason for my existence.  It feels really good to have a purpose.  Without you to write for, this blog would be meaningless.  Thank you for stopping by and for sharing this blog with others.  I look forward to writing for you in the next five hundred days and to sharing my memoir with you in March.

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