
"Hey there, I'm Michael Mulligan. The name's a nod to the golfing world's 'do-over,' a fitting metaphor for my daily quest: refining and redoing until it's just right. My blog mirrors this pursuit, aiming for a 'maximized' life—a philosophy I live by.

In sharing my life here, my aim is for you to gain something good. I'm mindful of privacy, so I don’t delve much into my family, respecting their preference for an off-grid life. Similarly, at my 'day job,' my stories focus on personal learning moments, steering clear of specifics to honor confidentiality.

Currently, I'm pouring my free time into two thrilling writing projects: 'The Adventures of Castaway Wilson' and 'Live Long and Prosper.' Keep an eye out for updates as these twin books take shape! Explore my blog archives for daily insights and musings. Thanks for dropping by!"

Me and my bride of 34 years outside a castle in Ireland

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