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New Release:  Live Long and Prosper:  A Journey of Transformation

Click here to order "Live Long and Prosper" on Amazon.  

The Caveman in the Mirror...

Thomas Morgan had no clue what he was in for when he packed his bags and left Southern California. Join him on his adventure and discover what happens when you leave your comfort zone behind.

Click here to order "The Caveman in the Mirror" on Amazon.

God's Black Sheep Squadron

If you're seeking an inspiring tale of reconnection and forgiveness, look no further. This memoir encapsulates the poignant narrative of my father's last thirty-five days spent with us after a prolonged absence.

Click here to order a copy of God's Black Sheep Squadron.

Coming Soon:  The Adventures of Castaway Wilson...

Embark on 'The Adventures of Wilson,' a captivating tale that unfolded when a castaway volleyball bounced out of a passing family's van and into my life, instantly becoming an orphan. As I adopted him, an exhilarating journey commenced. Get to know Wilson and the remarkable friends he encountered on his quest to reunite with his original owner—a movie star who lost Wilson at sea many years ago.